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Z. Hernando, M.B. B.CH. B.A.O., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, University of Nebraska College of Medicine

There are four elements of a malpractice claim wicked herbals amped buy hoodia 400mg on line, all of which must be met to substantiate a claim: 1 herbs for weight loss order 400mg hoodia otc. For example herbals and warfarin buy hoodia 400 mg low cost, when a nurse is assigned to care for a specific patient herbs medicinal order 400mg hoodia with visa, there is duty. The nurse violates the duty of care by not adhering to an appropriate standard of care. Sources for the standard of care may include the state nurse practice act, organizational policies and procedures, published standards, and/or testimony of a nurse expert. There must be a causal relationship between the breach of duty and the injury suffered. It must be proved that if the nurse had not been negligent, it is more likely than not that the patient would not have suffered harm (Reising, 2012). Coercion of a rational adult patient to place an intravenous catheter constitutes assault and battery. Closed claims were defined as financial compensation sought and matter resolved through judgment, settlement, or verdict, with or without payment. Allegations of malpractice were divided into the categories of treatment and care (highest percentage), scope of practice, assessment, monitoring, medication administration, and patient rights. Nurses must be aware at all times that failure to observe, failure to intervene, and verbal rather than written orders are potential risks for all nursing areas. Because of its invasive nature and risk for complications, infusion therapy is one area that carries a high risk for malpractice. When serious mistakes are made, patients can "lose limbs, their livelihoods or their lives" (Alexander, 2012, p. The rule of personal liability is "every person is liable for his own tortuous conduct" (his own wrongdoing). A physician cannot protect a nurse from an act of negligence by bypassing this rule with verbal assurance. This rule is relevant to nurses in the areas of medication errors and administration of I. Nurses have a legal and professional responsibility to be knowledgeable about administration of the I. The nurse acting as an expert witness strengthens the argument that nursing is an autonomous profession in that no other profession can appropriately judge the practice of nurses. Expert testimony is required when the case is dependent on scientific and technical information that is more than common knowledge. Serving as an expert witness involves a complex and extensive process of examining evidence, reviewing pertinent nursing literature, giving depositions, and potentially testifying in court. The nurse acting as an expert witness may testify either on behalf of the plaintiff, providing an opinion as to whether there was a deviation in the standard of care, or on behalf of the defendant, testifying that the actions represented reasonable nursing care. Adherence to standards of practice, working within the scope of practice, and obtaining necessary competencies by the infusion nurse reduces the risk of being named in a malpractice suit. It is important that the nurse not accept patient care assignments where competence has not been established, for example, accessing an implanted port without prior education. It is a nursing and professional responsibility to stay current in practice, to attend relevant educational classes and in-service programs, and to ensure that necessary competencies have been completed. Assess and Monitor Ongoing assessment of the patient receiving infusion therapy is critical. When laboratory work is ordered, the results should be reviewed for abnormalities. Prevent Infections An infection is the result of an invasion of a pathogen in a host by various modes of transmission. Considerable attention is placed on infusion-related infections because they are considered preventable events in all settings. Factors contributing to infection risk include inadequate or ill-timed site care, failure to adhere to aseptic technique during catheter insertion and during infusion administration, failure to remove an unnecessary catheter, and failure to recognize and report early signs of infection. Use Equipment Properly Failure to use equipment properly may lead to an adverse patient event, specifically the improper use of add-on devices, arm boards, and restraint devices. Ethical Issues Related to Infusion Therapy Code of Ethics It is expected that all nurses practice in an ethical manner. A code of ethics acknowledges the acceptance by a profession of the responsibilities and trust that society has conferred and recognizes the duties and obligations inherent in that trust. This rule has affected professional malpractice and has ethical as well as legal ramifications for infusion nurses.


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The most common site for venipuncture is the antecubital area of the arm exotic herbals lexington ky purchase hoodia 400mg with visa, where the median cubital veins lie close to the surface of the skin (Figure 7-9) herbals teas safe during pregnancy cheap 400mg hoodia with amex. The median cubital vein is most commonly used; the cephalic vein lies on the outer edge of the arm herbs collision buy 400 mg hoodia with mastercard, and the basilic vein lies on the inside edge quincy herbals 400 mg hoodia sale. The health-care practitioner should palpate the veins to determine the size, angle, and depth of the vein. The patient can assist in the process by closing his or her fist tightly (McCall & Tankersley, 2012). Hand veins or the veins on the dorsal surface of the wrist are preferred over foot or ankle veins because coagulation and vascular complications may occur in the lower extremities, especially in diabetic patients. Position patients with hand well supported on the bed, a rolled towel, or an armrest. Although nerve damage during venipuncture is rare, it has been known to occur as a result of excessive needle probing and sudden movement of the patient. If the patient has sensitive skin or dermatitis, apply the tourniquet over a dry washcloth or gauze wrapped around the arm or a hospital gown sleeve. Preparation of the Venipuncture Site Once the site is selected, the site should be prepped with 70% isopropyl alcohol or chlorhexidine (ChloraPrep) and allowed to dry. Alcohol is not recommended for use when obtaining a specimen for blood alcohol level determination. Povidone-iodine (Betadine) or chlorhexidine is usually used for drawing blood for blood gas analysis and blood cultures. Remove excess povidone-iodine from the skin with sterile gauze after prepping because iodine can interfere with some laboratory tests. Cleanse the site with a circular motion, starting at the point where you expect to insert the needle and moving outward in ever-widening concentric circles until a 2- to 3-inch area is prepped (McCall & Tankersley, 2012). For safety do not use a two-finger technique (also called "C") in which the entry point of the vein is straddled by the index finger above and the thumb below. The needle should be lined up with the vein and inserted smoothly and quickly at approximately a 15- to 30-degree angle with the skin. The needle should be inserted with the bevel side upward and directly above a prominent vein or slightly below the palpable vein. The tourniquet can be released immediately after blood begins to flow so that blood that is hemoconcentrated is not collected. When a tourniquet is placed on the patient, the tourniquet pressure forces low molecular compounds and fluid to move into the tissues from the intravascular space. Large molecules such as cholesterol and proteins cannot move through the capillary wall, and their blood levels increase as the tourniquet remains on the arm. In addition, the longer the tourniquet remains on the arm, the greater the amount of potassium leakage from tissue cells into the blood, which increases the chances of a false blood potassium level reading. It is recommended that the tourniquet be released as the last tube is filling but always before the needle is withdrawn from the arm. If the patient continues to bleed, the health-care practitioner should apply pressure until the bleeding stops. Tap additive tubes lightly to dislodge any additive that may be adhering to the tube stopper. Twist the needle cover apart to expose the short or back end of the needle that is covered by a retractable sleeve. Place the first tube in the holder and use a slight clockwise twist to push it onto the needle just far enough to secure it from falling out but not far enough to release the tube vacuum (Figure 7-10). For beginners it is easier not to try to balance the tube in the holder before venipuncture. Vigorous handling of the blood tubes and sluggish propulsion of blood into the tube can cause hemolysis and separation of cells from liquid, which can affect the test results. Some health-care workers use the dominant hand to change tubes while using the other hand to keep the needle apparatus steady. See Procedures Display 7-1 at the end of this chapter for steps in performing the evacuated tube blood collection method.

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Many pathogens evade the adaptive immune response by antigenic variation in which new antigens are displayed that are not recognized by antibodies or T cells elicited in earlier infections herbals on express buy hoodia 400 mg without prescription. The main antigen-presenting cells for T cells are dendritic cells herbals definition hoodia 400 mg on-line, macrophages 3-1 herbals letter draft discount hoodia 400mg mastercard, and B cells herbals kidney stones cheap hoodia 400mg with amex. T and B lymphocytes collectively bear on their surface highly diverse antigen receptors capable of recognizing a wide diversity of antigens. Anti-immunoglobulin antibodies are antibodies against immunoglobulin constant domains, useful for detecting bound antibody molecules in immunoassays and other applications. These can be divided into anti-isotype antibodies made in a different species, anti-allotype antibodies made in the same species against allotypic variants, and anti-idiotype antibodies, made against unique determinants to a single antibody. Anti-lymphocyte globulin is antibody raised in another species against human T cells. An antiserum: antisera is the fluid component of clotted blood from an immune individual that contains antibodies against the molecule used for immunization. Antisera contain heterogeneous collections of antibodies, which bind the antigen used for immunization, but each has its own structure, its own epitope on the antigen, and its own set of cross-reactions. Aplastic anemia is a failure of bone marrow stem cells so that formation of all cellular elements of the blood ceases; it can be treated by bone marrow transplantation. Apoptosis, or programmed cell death, is a form of cell death in which the cell activates an internal death program. Proliferating cells frequently undergo apoptosis, which is a natural process in development, and proliferating lymphocytes undergo high rates of apoptosis in development and during immune responses. Apoptosis contrasts with necrosis, death from without, which occurs in situations such as poisoning and anoxia. The appendix is a gut-associated lymphoid tissue located at the beginning of the colon. They contrast with memory T cells, which need to be activated by antigen-presenting cells to differentiate into effector T cells before they can mediate effector responses. The Arthus reaction is a skin reaction in which antigen is injected into the dermis and reacts with IgG antibodies in the extracellular spaces, activating complement and phagocytic cells to produce a local inflammatory response. Ascertainment artifact refers to data that seem to demonstrate some finding, but fail to do so because they are collected from a population that is selected in a biased fashion. Atopic allergy, or atopy, is the increased tendency seen in some people to produce immediate hypersensitivity reactions (usually mediated by IgE antibodies) against innocuous substances. Pathogens are said to be attenuated when they can grow in their host and induce immunity without producing serious clinical disease. A graft of tissue from one site to another on the same individual is called an autograft. Diseases in which the pathology is caused by adaptive immune responses to self antigens are called autoimmune diseases. Autoimmune hemolytic anemia is a pathological condition with low levels of red blood cells (anemia), which is caused by autoantibodies that bind red blood cell surface antigens and target the red blood cell for destruction. An adaptive immune response directed at self antigens is called an autoimmune response; likewise, adaptive immunity specific for self antigens is called autoimmunity. Antibody binding to platelets causes them to be taken up by cells with Fc receptors and complement receptors, causing a fall in platelet counts that leads to purpura (bleeding). Avidity is the sum total of the strength of binding of two molecules or cells to one another at multiple sites. It is distinct from affinity, which is the strength of binding of one site on a molecule to its ligand. Azathioprine is a potent immunosuppressive drug that is converted to its active form in vivo and then kills rapidly proliferating cells, including lymphocytes responding to grafted tissues. The antigen receptor on B lymphocytes, usually called the B-cell receptor, is a cell-surface immunoglobulin. On activation by antigen, B cells differentiate into cells producing antibody molecules of the same antigen specificity as this receptor. They have a far less diverse repertoire of receptors than do B-2 cells, also known as conventional B cells, which are generated in the bone marrow throughout life, emerging to populate the blood and lymphoid tissues. A sheet is one of the fundamental structural building blocks of proteins, consisting of adjacent, extended strands of amino acids (strands) that are bonded together by interactions between backbone amide and carbonyl groups. A barrel or a sandwich is another way of describing the structure of the immunoglobulin domain.

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The process can be repeated in a third mass filter that generates granddaughter ions herbals images generic 400mg hoodia with amex. A total-ion chromatogram is produced from these herbs unlimited buy hoodia 400mg on-line, enabling the compound of interest to be identified and quantified herbs nutrition order hoodia 400mg amex. A sample of the solvent used for the extraction procedure herbals export order hoodia 400mg online, ethyl acetate, was injected and showed the same noise. Results of an Autotune test showed the appearance of a base peak at 16 with two smaller peaks at 17 and 18. It prevents contamination Chemistry/Identify basic principle(s)/Mass spectroscopy/2 72. Oxygen in the atmosphere also contains small quantities of two isotopes with molecular weights of 17 and 18 owing to one and two extra neutrons, respectively. What method is used to introduce the sample into a mass spectrometer for analysis of a trace element Temperature-controlled ionization chamber Chemistry/Define fundamental characteristics/ Instrumentation/1 determine the threshold C Mass spectrometers can be used to measure trace metals, but the atoms need to be vaporized and ionized like molecules before they enter the mass filter. When it reaches the torch, the solvent is evaporated and the energy from the torch and collisions with argon ions cause ejection of outershell electrons, forming cations of the element. Rapid heating and cooling is usually achieved using a thermoelectric block that is cooled by forced air flow. They are used to correct the measurements from each well so that the same concentration of fluorescent dye gives the same signal intensity regardless of the well. A line is drawn from the threshold value on the y-axis through the curve, and a perpendicular dropped to the x-axis. A the relative centrifugal force (number times the force of gravity) is proportional to the square of the rotor speed in revolutions per minute and the radius in centimeters of the head (distance from the shaft to the end of the tube). In addition to velocity, what variable is also needed to calculate the relative centrifugal force (g force) of a centrifuge Ambient temperature in degrees Centigrade Chemistry/Define fundamental characteristics/ Instrumentation/1 an error when weighing with an electronic analytical balance Using the balance without allowing it to warm up for at least 10 minutes Chemistry/Identify sources of error/Balances/3 a fixed delivery of 10. B Electronic balances do not use substitution weights or knife edges to balance the weight on the pan. Instead, they measure the displacement of the pan by the weight on it using electromagnetic force to return it to its reference position. Regardless of the type of balance used, all need to be located on a firm weighing table free of vibration. Doors must be closed to prevent air currents from influencing the weighing, and the pan and platform must be clean and free of dust and chemical residue. D Gravimetric and spectrophotometric analysis are the two methods used to verify pipet volume accuracy and precision. Since spectrophotometric analysis involves dilution, gravimetric analysis is associated with greater certainty.