The Business One Stop Shop (BOSS) initiative, launched by the Local Government Unit (LGU) of San Miguel, Bohol, commenced this February 2024 to expedite the processing of permits for individuals and companies conducting business within the municipality.
Utilizing the municipal gymnasium as its venue, the one-stop shop will operate on February 6, 13, 20, and 27, 2024. Under the BOSS, clients can complete the business permit processing in less than thirty minutes, provided all requirements are presented. Licensing Officer Floriana C. Macalam mentioned that business operators had been given ample time since to fulfill these requirements.
For clients with all the required documents, the renewal of business permits involves only three steps. First is completing the Business Permit Unified Form for the computation of business tax and regulatory fees; second is payment and issuance of the business permit, along with the City Treasurer’s signature; and third is the approval of the business permit by the Municipal Mayor or Municipal Administrator.
For business operators yet to comply with stipulated requirements, offices under the LGU and national line agencies are available at the BOSS venue. Seven LGU offices, including the Office of the Mayor, Municipal Engineering Office, Municipal Planning and Development Coordinating Office, Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office, Office for Municipal Health Services, Municipal Treasury Office, and Municipal Administrator’s Office, have personnel assigned at the venue to assist clients. Additionally, national line agencies involved in business licensing, such as the Bureau of Fire Protection, and the Department of Trade and Industry, are present at the BOSS venue.
The municipal Administrator Atty. Glen D. Damasing expected only a few clients would visit the BOSS venue on the first day but anticipated a surge in business operators attending the venue starting next schedule. In 2023, a total of 352 permits were processed under the BOSS, surpassing the LGU’s target of 250. Macalam expects this figure to increase during this year’s one-stop shop.