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An individual alleges unreasonable force was used or that any of the above has occurred treatment 1st degree burns order compazine 5mg overnight delivery. Any individual exhibiting signs of physical distress after an encounter should be continuously monitored until he/she can be medically assessed symptoms 9dp5dt 5mg compazine. If any such individual refuses medical attention medications not covered by medicaid buy compazine 5mg otc, such a refusal shall be fully documented in related reports and treatment 6th feb discount 5 mg compazine with amex, whenever practicable, should be witnessed by another officer and/or medical personnel. If a recording is made of the contact or an interview with the individual, any refusal should be included in the recording, if possible. The on-scene supervisor or, if the on-scene supervisor is not available, the primary handling officer shall ensure that any person providing medical care or receiving custody of a person following any use of force is informed that the person was subjected to force. This notification shall include a description of the force used and any other circumstances the officer reasonably believes would be potential safety or medical risks to the subject. Persons who exhibit extreme agitation, violent irrational behavior accompanied by profuse sweating, extraordinary strength beyond their physical characteristics and imperviousness to pain (sometimes called "excited delirium"), or who require a protracted physical encounter with multiple officers to be brought under control, may be at an increased risk of sudden death. Officers who reasonably suspect a medical emergency should request medical assistance as soon as practicable and have medical personnel stage away if appropriate. Absent an allegation of misconduct or excessive force, this will be considered a routine contact in the normal course of duties. Once any initial medical assessment has been completed or first aid has been rendered, ensure that photographs have been taken of any areas involving visible injury or complaint of pain, as well as overall photographs of uninjured areas. These photographs should be retained until all potential for civil litigation has expired. Ensure the case is thoroughly investigated, documented and follows department procedures and guidelines. Write a brief synopsis of the use of force incident including an analysis and recommendation for disposition. Forward the Blue Team entry to the Watch Commander or appropriate Bureau Commander for further review and final disposition. This should be completed by the end of the shift unless an exception has been approved by the Watch Commander or appropriate Bureau Commander. Evaluate the circumstances surrounding the incident and initiate an administrative investigation if there is a question of policy non-compliance or if for any reason further investigation may be appropriate. The Blue Team Report shall be reviewed and a final disposition determined by the Watch Commander or appropriate Bureau Commander. An appropriate disposition should be one of the following: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) No Action - the Use of Force observed was consistent with agency best practices and policy. Commend - the Use of Force observed exceeded expectations and is worthy of consideration for a commendation. Counseling - the Use of Force was inconsistent with agency best practices resulting in a need for a counseling session. Training - the Use of Force incident identified a specific training deficiency within the department or the subject officer(s) that could be corrected by additional training. Internal Affairs - the Use of Force observed requires further review and/or appears to violate department policy, federal, state, or local law, policy or rule and should be investigated by the Internal Affairs Unit. Subject to available resources, the Training Manager should ensure that officers receive periodic training on de-escalation tactics, including alternatives to force. Restraint devices shall not be used to punish, to display authority or as a show of force. In such cases, consideration should be given, safety permitting, to handcuffing to the front in order to allow the person to sign or write notes. Unless arrested, the use of restraints on detainees should continue only for as long as is reasonably necessary to ensure the safety of officers and others. When deciding whether to remove restraints from a detainee, officers should continuously weigh the safety interests at hand against the continuing intrusion upon the detainee. Leg irons, waist chains, or handcuffs behind the body should not be used unless the officer has a reasonable suspicion that the person may resist, attempt escape, injure self or others, or damage property. This notification should include information regarding any other circumstances the officer reasonably believes would be potential safety concerns or medical risks to the subject. Although recommended for most arrest situations, handcuffing is discretionary and not an absolute requirement of the Department.

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On the pretext of executing hostages taken in partisan warfare 4d medications discount compazine 5 mg without prescription, the Army killed the male Jewish population by shooting; women and children were handed over to red carpet treatment buy compazine 5mg free shipping the commander of the Security Police medications known to cause pancreatitis buy compazine 5 mg low cost, a certain Dr symptoms adhd cheap compazine 5 mg overnight delivery. In August, 1942, Staatsrat Harald Turner, head of the civilian branch of the military government, reported proudly that Serbia was "the only country in which the problems of both Jews and Gypsies were solved," and returned the gas vans to Berlin. An estimated five thousand Jews joined the partisans, and this was the only avenue of escape. For the gassing of 6,280 women and children, he was sentenced to six years and six months in prison. It is the same story repeated over and over again: those who escaped the Nuremberg Trials and were not extradited to the countries where they had committed their crimes either were never brought to justice, or found in the German courts the greatest possible "understanding. And yet Bulgaria was not grateful, neither her government nor her people were soft enough to make a policy of "ruthless toughness" workable. The Bulgarian monarchy had no reason to be worried about the native Fascist movement, the Ratnizi, because it was numerically small and politically without influence, and the Parliament remained a highly respected body, which worked smoothly with the King. Hence, they dared refuse to declare war on Russia and never even sent a token expeditionary force of `volunteers" to the Eastern front. It is true that the Bulgarian Army had agreed to have all the Jews they numbered about fifteen thousand - deported from the newly annexed territories, which were under military government and whose population was anti-Semitic; but it is doubtful that they knew what "resettlement in the East" actually signified. Somewhat earlier, in January, 1941, the government had also agreed to introduce some anti-Jewish legislation, but that, from the Nazi viewpoint, was simply ridiculous: some six thousand able-bodied men were mobilized for work; all baptized Jews, regardless of the date of their conversion, were exempted, with the result that an epidemic of conversions broke out; five thousand more Jews - out of a total of approximately fifty thousand - received special privileges; and for Jewish physicians and businessmen a numerus clausus was introduced that was rather high, since it was based on the percentage of Jews in the cities, rather than in the country at large. Clearly, the Nazis would not only have to enlighten them about the requirements for a "solution of the Jewish problem," but also to teach them that legal stability and a totalitarian movement could not be reconciled the German authorities must have had some suspicion of the difficulties that lay ahead. Well, the Bulgarians were approached by the German embassy, but not until about six months later did they take the first step in the direction of "radical" measures - the introduction of the Jewish badge. In the first place, as they dutifully reported, the badge was only a "very little star"; second, most Jews simply did not wear it; and, third, those who did wear it received "so many manifestations of sympathy from the misled population that they actually are proud of their sign" - as Walter Schellenberg, Chief of Counterintelligence in the R. Under great German pressure, the Bulgarian government finally decided to expel all Jews from Sofia to rural areas, but this measure was definitely not what the Germans demanded, since it dispersed the Jews instead of concentrating them. But neither the death of the monarch nor the arrival of Dannecker, early in 1943, changed the situation in the slightest, because both Parliament and the population remained clearly on the side of the Jews. Dannecker succeeded in arriving at an agreement with the Bulgarian Commissar for Jewish Affairs to deport six thousand "leading Jews" to Treblinka, but none of these Jews ever left the country. The agreement itself is noteworthy because it shows that the Nazis had no hope of enlisting the Jewish leadership for their own purposes. The Chief Rabbi of Sofia was unavailable, having been hidden by Metropolitan Stephan of Sofia, who had declared publicly that "God had determined the Jewish fate, and men had no right to torture Jews, and to persecute them" (Hilberg) - which was considerably more than the Vatican had ever done. Finally, the same thing happened in Bulgaria as was to happen in Denmark a few months later - the local German officials became unsure of themselves and were no longer reliable. And the result was that not a single Bulgarian Jew had been deported or had died an unnatural death when, in August, 1944, with the approach of the Red Army, the anti-Jewish laws were revoked I know of no attempt to explain the conduct of the Bulgarian people, which is unique in the belt of mixed populations. But one is reminded of Georgi Dimitrov, a Bulgarian Communist who happened to be in Germany when the Nazis came to power, and whom they chose to accuse of the Reichstagsbrand, the mysterious fire in the Berlin Parliament of February 27, 1933. His conduct was such that it won him the admiration of the whole world, Germany not excluded. Max Merten, who represented the military government of the region, they immediately set up the usual Jewish Council, with Chief Rabbi Koretz at its head. Merten moved the whole Jewish population into a ghetto, from which they could easily be removed, since it was near the railroad station.

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Servatius could have called as witnesses for the defense the former agents of Aliyah Beth medications used to treat fibromyalgia discount compazine 5mg on-line, as the organization for illegal immigration into Palestine was called; they certainly still remembered Eichmann symptoms zinc deficiency adults cheap compazine 5mg overnight delivery, and they were now living in Israel 7 medications that can cause incontinence generic compazine 5 mg visa. Thus medications jfk was on 5mg compazine amex, he remembered a visit he had received in Berlin from a Palestinian functionary who told him about life in the collective settlements, and whom he had twice taken out to dinner, because this visit ended with a formal invitation to Palestine, where the Jews would show him the country. He was delighted; no other Nazi official had been able to go "to a distant foreign land," and he received permission to make the trip. The judgment concluded that he had been sent "on an espionage mission," which no doubt was true, but this did not contradict the story Eichmann had told the police. Eichmann, together with a journalist from his office, a certain Herbert Hagen, had just enough time to climb Mount Carmel in Haifa before the British authorities deported both of them to Egypt and denied them entry permits for Palestine; according to Eichmann, "the man from the Haganah" - the Jewish military organization which became the nucleus of the Israeli Army - came to see them in Cairo, and what he told them there became the subject of a "thoroughly negative report" Eichmann and Hagen were ordered by their superiors to write for propaganda purposes; this was duly published. In view of his astounding virtuosity in never discarding a mood and its catch phrase once and for all when they became incompatible with a new era, which required different moods and different "elating" phrases - a virtuosity that he demonstrated over and over during the police examination one is tempted to believe in his sincerity when he spoke of the time in Vienna as an idyll. Because of the complete lack of consistency in his thoughts and sentiments, this sincerity is not even undermined by the fact that his year in Vienna, from the spring of 1938 to March, 1939, came at a time when the Nazi regime had abandoned its pro-Zionist attitude. It was in the nature of the Nazi movement that it kept moving, became more radical with each passing month, but one of the outstanding characteristics of its members was that psychologically they tended to be always one step behind the movement - that they had the greatest difficulty in keeping up with it, or, as Hitler used to phrase it, that they could not "jump over their own shadow. Storfer had replaced the Palestinian emissaries, who had become too independent, and his task, assigned to him by Eichmann, was to organize some illegal transports of Jews into Palestine without the help of the Zionists. Storfer was no Zionist and had shown no interest in Jewish matters prior to the arrival of the Nazis in Austria. Still, with the help of Eichmann he succeeded in getting some thirty-five hundred Jews out of Europe, in 1940, when half of Europe was occupied by the Nazis, and it seems that he did his best to clear things with the Palestinians. Paul Eppstein, in charge of emigration in Berlin during the last years of the Reichsvereinigung - a Naziappointed Jewish central organization, not to be confused with the authentically Jewish Reichsvertretung, which was dissolved in July, 1939. In other words, the only Jews Eichmann remembered were those who had been completely in his power. He had forgotten not only the Palestinian emissaries but also his earlier Berlin acquaintances, whom he had known well when he was still engaged in intelligence work and had no executive powers. Franz Meyer, a former member of the Executive of the Zionist Organization in Germany, who came to testify for the prosecution about his contacts with the accused from 1936 to 1939. Eichmann had summoned the leaders of German Jewry to Vienna to explain to them his new methods of "forced emigration. But the trial showed that here, too, he had "relapses," and that the matter could never have been as simple as that. There was the witness who testified to an interview with him at Theresienstadt in March, 1945, when Eichmann again showed himself to be very interested in Zionist matters - the witness was a member of a Zionist youth organization and held a certificate of entry for Palestine. The interview was "conducted in very pleasant language and the attitude was kind and respectful. That happened in October, 1941, shortly after he was assigned the role in the Final Solution that was to land him in the District Court of Jerusalem. And there, to his great grief, he "got stuck"; as he saw it, there was no higher grade obtainable in the section in which he worked. But this he could not know during the four years in which he climbed quicker and higher than he had ever anticipated. In Vienna, he had shown his mettle, and now he was recognized not merely as an expert on "the Jewish question," the intricacies of Jewish organizations and Zionist parties, but as an "authority" on emigration and evacuation, as the "master" who knew how to make people move. His greatest triumph came shortly after the Kristallnacht, in November, 1938, when German Jews had become frantic in their desire to escape. Eichmann was immediately appointed to set up another emigration center for Jews in Prague.