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This report menopause quotes funny purchase 20 mg nolvadex visa, captured by the United States and returned to Japan womens health jackson mi nolvadex 20 mg mastercard, was not made public by the Self-Defense Agency until May 2004 pregnancy zumba dvd buy nolvadex 20mg low price. For the Japanese military breast cancer guidelines cheap nolvadex 10 mg, the ultimate target of its chemical warfare was to be the Soviet Union, as the huge stockpile of such weapons in Manchuria indicates. The Soviet Union remained on the list after the Japanese clash with Soviet and Mongolian forces at Nomonhan in 1939. Reminiscences by some Japanese officers indicate that the United States was also a target, especially after the war in the Pacific began to turn against Japan. When the Japanese military developed a secret program to use balloon bombs against the U. Reports by American missionaries during the Rape of Nanking in late 1937 provided a glimpse into the extent of sexual violence committed by the Japanese Army. Numerous other incidents in China and later in Southeast Asia further tarnished the reputation of the Japanese forces. The postwar trials, however, largely considered rape to be part of a more general violation of law or inhumane treatment, and not a war crime per se. After Japan occupied the Dutch East Indies (present-day Indonesia), the Japanese military forced many young women-including Dutch as well as Eurasian-into providing sexual service to the Japanese. Those Japanese responsible were punished by the Dutch authorities after the war on account of the abuse of the Dutch women. In the 1970s, a few writers in Japan began treating the subject as a crime committed by the Imperial Japanese Army. Their work resulted in a multi-volume collection of documents and a comprehensive bibliography on the subject. As Yoshimi points out, numerous Japanese government documents were either lost or remain classified. Among them are police records belonging to the former Home Ministry that allegedly had been destroyed. The number of women victims remains a subject of disagreement; popular accounts frequently give the figure of 200,000. Some also question the veracity of the testimony provided by former "comfort women" as well as their motivation to testify in public. Hata Ikuhiko, for one, has taken the lead and published many essays as well as a major work on this subject. Hata essentially equates the "comfort women" system with prostitution and finds similar practices during the war in other countries. The Tokyo War Crimes Trial accused Japan of selling narcotics to raise money for its clandestine operations. It is known that not only Japanese soldiers but also some officers and newspaper reporters took part in looting after the Japanese takeover of Chinese cities like Nanjing. More recently, some Chinese scholars accused the Japanese military of systematically looting Chinese cultural property during the war, which amounted to what some called a "cultural holocaust. In a series of spirited rebuttals, however, a Japanese scholar accused Zhao of writing polemics, not history based on credible evidence. To this day in Southeast Asia, tales of hidden Japanese treasure still create a sensation. Second, historians must make better use of documents that are already open to the public. Australian, British, and Dutch archives remain Documentary Evidence and Studies of Japanese War Crimes I 43 to be fully exploited. This is all the more important since documentary evidence on certain subjects is likely to remain sketchy, in large part due to the large scale destruction after the war. Private records such as diaries and memoirs can help to fill the gap, as can interviews with the participants and survivors. As the number of survivors dwindles each day, conducting good oral histories is more urgent than ever. To be sure, caution is necessary when using such testimony, and every attempt must be made to confirm testimony with other types of evidence when possible. Compared with the recent scholarship on the European Theater, professional historians of Asia have only begun to study such subjects as forced labor and wartime looting of art and property. A more challenging task for historians is to convincingly explain why these war crimes occurred.

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Higher investment in fingerlings could be made during high income menopause quizlet generic nolvadex 20mg without a prescription, building on the existing strength of the natural food availability and the fishing skill of the community; 6 women's health center edmond ok purchase nolvadex 20mg on line. Similar potential contribution of aquaculture to the rural development has been observed in countries like China women's health issues wikipedia generic nolvadex 20 mg without prescription, Vietnam and Indonesia and also in parts of Africa (Edwards menstrual cramp relief nolvadex 20 mg low cost, 2000). One of the interesting patterns that were noted in the study was that cage fish culture contributed significantly to the reduction of income inequality. Wealthier households with more number of cages were expected with large income, inducing more income variability in the community. Possible explanations for this could be that with increase in number of cages, the cost for labour, maintenance and fish fries also increased. Although environmental vulnerabilities in general were outweighed with the explanation that small cages could be easily removed and repaired, it was unfeasible for the households to have around 10 to 20 cages. Richer households mostly had cages of this number and with such frequent environmental hazards as noted during the study, cost of maintenance was more than income generated. However, it should be noted here that the number of rich households having more than 10 cages was only 3 so concluding remarks based on such a small sample size cannot be made. The Jalari community can be taken as a community within nature where fisheries from Phewa Lake has provided them with economic benefit but at the same time was governed by environmental constraints or vulnerabilities. For this reason, the Jalari community has been trying to protect and restore the lake in its form but often lacking in such endeavours as other resource users also has an equal stake on it and they seldom participate in such projects. Lack of proper communication and coordination with other community members and social barriers in the form of strong caste discrimination had added to their complexity in protecting the lake, which if continued, could endanger the community itself. The Jalari community thus needs to break out from their 150 ethnic isolation and exploit possibilities brought in by urbanisation and tourism development in order to lead a sustainable life. Local economic development policy with equal emphasis on the conservation of the lake counting Jalari as equally important member of the society needs to be formulated and strengthened. Nevertheless, somehow there exists a weak implementation of local policy that needs to be addressed. On the one hand, the Jalari needs to free themselves from seclusion (as only fisher folks) and on the other; the government should help in encouraging them in adopting available basket of choices. Conclusion the study of Phewa Lake and the fishing community showed that the values and functions of the lake have not been understood well. The objective of Ramsar Convention of utilizing wetlands in a sustainable way has been carried out by the Jalari community only through fisheries. But other wetland services provided by Phewa Lake have seriously been undervalued. Fisheries is not the only source of living available in the areas around Phewa Lake; animal husbandry, agriculture, cottage-based industries in mini scale can also be easily adopted. Hence, diversification in the household occupation is necessary for the Jalari community as it not only broadens the sources of their income but also reduces the stress on the resources they are heavily dependent on and their reliance on fisheries as the only source of income. The findings also showed that natural, physical and financial capitals were fully utilised in the community while human and social capitals still remain to be further enhanced. Wealthier households were committed to build human capital and were purchasing physical assets. They were also devoting more time to other productive activities and academic pursuits. The poor were more dependent on only one type of income source (mainly capture fisheries), lacked education and were unable to diversify their livelihood strategies. The relative proportion of net incomes from capture fisheries and cage fish culture clearly indicated how significant was the contribution of the former to the household income but at the same time it also showed large variability among the households. With only capture fisheries, the richer were getting richer and poor continued to be poorer, indicating growing differentiation within the community. But Lorenz curve and Gini coefficient provided a clear insight on how inclusion of cage fish culture in the household income could reduce the inequality in income in the community. Poverty in the Jalari community can be seen as a result of combination of interacting social, economic and environmental factors and processes. Some of which are: (i) heavy rainfall and unsustainable agricultural practices in surrounding areas leading to landslides and heavy siltation in the lake resulting in low fisheries output; (ii) ethnic isolation created by the community themselves; (iii) caste discrimination within the society in which the community resides; (iv) low level of education and skill; (v) inability to diversify their activities; and (vi) lack of credit markets. Therefore, the study highlights the need for an integrated approach to development aiming at alleviating poverty among the Jalari households through enactment of local development policy, creation of their access to opportunities and decision-making in the management of common pool resources (Phewa Lake), and promotion and encouragement of their participation in educational activities and environmental hazard prevention.

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