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The meningeal infections that produce coma are principally those caused by acute bacterial organisms gastritis diet x garcinia buy pariet 20 mg on line. The major causes of communityacquired bacterial meningitis include Streptococcus pneumoniae (51%) and Neisseria meninigitis (37%) gastritis diet çàéöåâ order pariet 20mg on-line. Staphylococcus aureus and gastritis english buy cheap pariet 20mg online, since a vaccine became available gastritis diet menu plan 20mg pariet otc, Haemophilus influ- enzae are uncommon causes of communityacquired meningitis. However, the classic triad of fever, nuchal rigidity, and alteration of mental status was present in only 44% of patients in a large series of community-acquired meningitis. Meningitis, particularly in children, can cause acute brain edema with transtentorial herniation as the initial sign. Urea, mannitol, or other hyperosmotic agents, if used properly, can prevent or reverse the full development of the ominous changes that are otherwise rapidly fatal. In this situation, some believe that a diagnostic lumbar puncture may lead to transtentorial herniation and death. However, the neck is usually also stiff in the lateral direction as well as in the anteriorposterior direction, a finding not present in meningitis. When there are more than two or three white cells beyond this ratio, the patient should be treated as if there were meningitis until proven otherwise by a repeat tap or negative cultures. Patients are occasionally observed who develop the encephalopathy of meningitis before white cells appear in the lumbar spinal fluid. The series of Carpenter and Petersdorf400 includes several such cases, and the following is an example from our own series. He saw his physician, who found him to be warm and appear acutely ill, but he lacked significant abnormalities on examination, except that his pharynx and ear canals were reddened. A diagnosis of influenza was made, but the next afternoon he had difficulty thinking clearly and was admitted to the hospital. His blood pressure was 90/70 mm Hg, pulse 120 per minute, respirations 20 per minute, and body temperature 38. He was acutely ill, restless, and unable to sustain his attention to cooperate fully in the examination. There was slight nuchal rigidity and some mild spasm of the back and hamstring muscles. Two hours later he had a chill followed by severe headache and he became slightly irrational. In one series, 50% of patients with meningitis were admitted to the hospital with an incorrect diagnosis. The pupils were equal and reactive; the optic fundi were normal; the deep tendon reflexes were equal and active throughout. Because of the high white cell count, fever, and coma, administration of large doses of antibiotics was started, but the diagnosis was uncertain. The next morning the spinal fluid and throat cultures that had been obtained the evening before were found to contain Neisseria meningitides and a lumbar puncture now revealed purulent spinal fluid containing 6,000 white cells/mm3 under a high pressure, with high protein and low glucose contents. Patients with overwhelming meningococcal septicemia, and few or no polymorphonuclear leukocytes in their spinal fluid, represent the worst prognostic group of patients with acute bacterial meningitis. Although a high concentration of polymorphonuclear leukocytes and a decreased spinal fluid glucose strongly suggest the diagnosis of bacterial meningitis, viral infections including mumps and herpes simplex can also occasionally cause hypoglycorrhachia. Fewer than 50% of adults with meningoencephalitis have a history of pulmonary tuberculosis. The protein concentration is elevated (above 100 mg/dL) and the glucose concentration is usually decreased, but rarely below 20 mg/dL. The severity of the illness should lead one to suspect the possibility of tuberculosis. There may be systemic symptoms including weight loss, abdominal pain, diarrhea, arthralgias, and uveitis. The characteristic neurologic abnormality in these patients is oculomasticatory myorhythmia, a slow convergence nystagmus accompanied by synchronous contraction of the jaw.

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Washington considered the British presence in the Middle East as a civilizing influence and was happy to let Britain handle the political and military burden beyond the Western Hemisphere if U gastritis help generic pariet 20 mg on-line. Like the United States in 2003 gastritis youtube cheap pariet 20mg without a prescription, Britain essentially hoped that these oil revenues would fund both the occupation of Iraq and its economic development gastritis diet áåòñèòè purchase 20mg pariet free shipping. Navy) had tried to acquire a railroad concession through Anatolia and Mesopotamia in exchange for mineral rights gastritis symptoms diarrhoea buy 20 mg pariet with amex. Since the solution would probably entail the creation of an international syndicate to develop the oil, Millspaugh suggested "the formation of a strong representative group of American financial and oil interests. Navy, retired) to the Secretary of the Navy, "Oil for the Navy," 14 June 1920, enclosed with: R. Coonty (Acting Secretary of the Navy) to the Secretary of State (Bainbridge Colby), 07 July 1920, 13668-788-Eng. Both Britain and the United States understood that oil was vital to their economic and national security, but Millspaugh argued the best way to satisfy their needs was through an international oil agreement based on the "Open Door" and Anglo-American reciprocity. He likened the escalating commercial competition between the great powers over oil to the prewar armaments race. The note of 10 May 1921 has a declassification stamp (dated 01 June 1993), even though it originated in the period before the Department of State adopted a formal classification system. There was no room within such a vision of Anglo-American cooperation for independent and unreliable actors such as Chester, even if the U. Government cynically used his "quasi-legal claims" to frustrate "British claims" in the Middle East. Coonty to the Assistant Secretary of the Navy, 02 April 1921, Op-10 Hu, enclosed with: Theodore Roosevelt Jr. Howland Shaw (Special Mission of the United States of America, Lausanne) to Allen W. Their complaints found some sympathy in Washington, and at least one official (Allen W. Dulles, then serving as Chief of the Near Eastern Affairs Division) shared the British perspective that Chester and the Turks were trying to foment "bad blood between the United States and Great Britain. The Colonial Office claimed that the Turks had promised to repay French assistance with "priority rights" in the awarding of oil and railway concessions if Ankara recaptured Mosul. Meanwhile, Standard Oil was "inciting the Turks to attack Iraq" as a means of putting pressure on London to accede to U. Government but surmised that Washington "would not regret the return of the Turks to Iraq if it gave the United States oil interests a hold in the Iraq oil-fields. Government supported Turkey in blocking the inclusion of such terms into the new peace treaty. See also: "The Mosul Question," 26 October 1925, Editorial Research Reports: 1925, vol. Geoff Berridge, British Diplomacy in Turkey, 1583 to the Present: A Study in the Evolution of the Resident Embassy (Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2009), 145-151. Penrose, Iraq: International Relations and National Development (London: Ernest Benn, 1978), 60-66. Although Amery did not say so explicitly, it made more sense for the companies to pay as little as possible for crude oil, as they could make their profits downstream rather than share them with each other or Baghdad. Besides the fact that no oil had yet been discovered in Iraq, a number of problems remained. As one financial mission to Iraq reported to the Colonial Secretary, as much as "[we] may hope that Iraq may in the future derive a large revenue from oil. Not only was the border dispute between Iraq and Turkey still unresolved, but there was also the small matter of a constructing a pipeline to the Mediterranean. Disputes with France and the United States over the future of Iraq had delayed implementation of the former, but all obstacles appeared to have been overcome by 1922. Britain had not been so fortunate when it came to the formation of an "all British" major company. London had expected that the economic fruits of its labors in Iraq would accrue to a mighty "all British" Shell, which would then challenge the heirs of the Standard Oil Trust for commercial dominance not just within the British Empire, but around the world. Efforts had stalled following the failure of the Harcourt-Deterding Agreement in 1919, but in spite of the reluctance of various interest groups that were committed to preserving the status quo, elements within the British Government, not to mention Shell and Burmah, were determined to try at least once more. The last, and most ambitious, attempt to create a "British" Shell took place in 1922. Under the proposed amalgamation, shares within the reorganized Shell Group would be divided as follows: 10.

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Oil supercharged the ascent of the United States gastritis y acidez order 20 mg pariet with visa, whose economic superiority was already manifest by the end of the nineteenth century gastritis diet virut 20 mg pariet. The superficial majesty of the British Empire in 1918 masked serious weaknesses and strategic liabilities gastritis juice fast buy generic pariet 20mg online, not the least of which was the fact that the empire accounted for only a small fraction of world oil production before 1945 gastritis diet book buy 20mg pariet mastercard. Those few parts of the formal and informal empire that did show some promise, such as Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, and Kuwait, were not reliable sources of supply in wartime due to their unfavorable geographic position. In wartime, supplies from the Persian Gulf were only useful for supplying British forces east of Suez; in the West, safe passage through the Mediterranean could not be guaranteed in the event that Italy joined the Axis. Consequently, in spite of a concerted policy after 1918 to increase the amount of oil owned and produced by British companies within the British Empire and its Middle Eastern client-states, by the eve of the Second World War, Britain remained dependent upon the oil reserves of the Western Hemisphere, access to which was contingent upon the goodwill and generosity of the United States. Although the academic literature on the fall of the British Empire is immense, many imperial historians have yet to consider methodically the role of oil as an objective of British petroleum policy after 1918, or how the search for oil influenced British policy in regions such as the Middle East. John Darwin, "An Undeclared Empire: the British in the Middle East, 1918-39," in: the Statecraft of British Imperialism: Essays in Honor of Wm. Even if we concede that the expansion of the British presence in the Middle East after the First World War aimed primarily at securing air and sea access to India in order to mobilize its resources as well as those of the white dominions, these were not the only considerations at play. Vital questions about the strategic viability of the empire have not only gone unanswered, they have yet to be asked in the first place. Although synthetic fuel production and imports from Romania left Germany with little margin for error, Hitler had not pursued rearmament with the intention of constructing armed forces prepared for any military eventuality. Pursuing rearmament in both breadth and depth was impossible without absorbing the economic assets of the western half of the Eurasian landmass. What mattered was not 62 John Gallagher acknowledges that "by the nineteen-thirties oil was an important national interest," while conceding that the subject of Middle Eastern oil, although "deeply interesting," was also "under studied. Recent surveys of imperial history after 1918 make only the most cursory mention of oil. The role of oil in putting Britain in that predicament to begin with remains neglected. Its hallmark was systemlessness, administrative and governmental disorder, the erosion of clear patterns of government, however despotic. I would add one caveat in the case of oil: one does not fill gasoline tanks by a "triumph of will" alone. The noted petroleum economist Walter Levy stressed this point in both lectures and articles. Nothing was left undone to create the best possible conditions for waging war; mistakes of the past were studied and studied again, and a comprehensive plan for every field of economic and military life was drawn upon to cover any possible emergency. Levy was a German Jew who fled the country in 1933 and ended up serving as the wartime expert on the German oil industry for the Organization of Strategic Services. Wolfgang Saxon, "Walter James Levy, 86, Oil Consultant, Dies," New York Times, December 15, 1997. One ton of oil can fill between six to eight barrels depending upon its gravity and viscosity. For the sake of clarity, throughout this study, one ton of oil equals seven barrels of oil, and vice versa. Unfortunately, most primary sources do not specify whether they are referring to "long" or "short" tons (2,240 lb vs. The oil industry conducts business in "long" tons, and I have assumed that my sources do as well unless otherwise indicated. Additionally, I have translated "Verarbeitung" as "refining" even though the literal translation is "processing," since the former is more familiar to English-speaking readers, and because German documents of the period rarely used the terms "Raffination" or "Veredelung," both of which also translate as "refining. Since domestic oil production was miniscule, with little likelihood of any change in the near future, Britain had no choice but to import oil.

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Using satellite measurements and isotopic analysis gastritis remedies purchase 20mg pariet with visa, the team showed that methane from biomass sources gastritis symptoms deutsch order pariet 20mg without a prescription, such as fires gastritis in the antrum buy generic pariet 20mg online, decreased over the time period 2001-2016 while fossil fuel sources of methane increased gastritis diet 6 pack generic 20mg pariet amex. They compared these results to emissions reported by the industries themselves, as part of an accounting system that requires operators to report flaring and venting volumes, and found large discrepancies. Based on the amounts of methane and ethane detected in the atmosphere above the oil and gas fields, the reported industry emissions in this region should be 2. Such large discrepancies between actual methane emissions and industry-provided data represent a "reporting gap" and present a critical challenge when determining policy. Proposed regulations in Canada currently call for reducing methane emissions from Canadian fracking operations by 45 percent. However, these data indicate that most of the methane emissions from these operations arise from 961 Englander, J. Reduced biomass burning emissions reconcile conflicting estimates of the post-2006 atmospheric methane budget. Such targets require immediate phase-out of fossil fuel emissions, along with profound changes in farming and forestry practices. Continued high fossil fuel emissions unarguably sentences young people to either a massive, implausible cleanup or growing deleterious climate impacts or both. High volumes of methane are emitted during venting, and methane emissions have been increasing sharply. Exploitation is deepening inequities in a negative way, such as environmental impact. It is irresponsible to auction reserves without a proper evaluation of environmental and social impacts. Comparisons of airborne measurements and inventory estimates of methane emissions in the Alberta upstream oil and gas sector. In Colorado and Utah, a small percentage of well pads leaked the vast majority of methane, whereas leakage was more equitably distributed among wells in Wyoming. The research team also found variations that were dependent on oil/gas/water content as well as on the numbers of wells per well pad. In sum, emissions from well pads contributed significantly to basin-wide methane emissions but varied depending on location. Between 2003 and 2015, natural gas production declined, and yet, as revealed by atmospheric sampling from aircraft flying over the basin, methane emissions did not decrease during this same time period. These results confirm earlier findings from a satellite study that also showed no declines in regional methane concentrations in spite of significant declines in natural gas production. The goal was to understand the concentrations and sources of relevant air pollutants that had previously been reported as impacts of drilling and fracking operations. Airborne methane concentrations were higher in southwestern Pennsylvania as compared to northeastern Pennsylvania. The authors conclude that urban-like levels of air pollutants in rural Pennsylvania are likely due to emissions from oil and gas operations in the Marcellus Shale basin. Variation in methane emission rates from well pads in four oil and gas basins with contrasting production volumes and compositions. Integrating atmospheric measurements with ground-based data, the researchers found more uncertainty in the emissions from natural sources than from human activities. Scottish unconventional oil and gas: Compatibility with Scottish greenhouse gas emissions targets. An assessment of life cycle greenhouse gas emissions associated with the use of water, sand, and chemicals in shale gas production of the Pennsylvania Marcellus Shale. A research team from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory found that the United States is on track to miss this target, in large part because of soaring methane emissions. Over the same time period, methane emissions from biomass burning, rice cultivation, and wetlands decreased. These results contradict the findings of earlier studies that used atmospheric ethane as a marker for methane and had concluded that fugitive fossil fuel emissions fell during much of that period. The letter accused Allen of "systemic fraud, waste, and abuse" for his reliance on an inaccurate measurement device that was known to underestimate methane levels. Upward revision of global fossil fuel methane emissions based on isotope database.