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With closed eyes cholesterol risk ratio calculator canada purchase 2.5 mg prazosin free shipping, I picture the boy before me cholesterol vs fatty acid purchase prazosin 5 mg with visa, with his delicate face cholesterol membrane fluidity generic prazosin 2.5 mg with mastercard, and sensitive girlish lips average cholesterol hdl ldl triglycerides buy cheap prazosin 5 mg online. They readily acknowledge that a heterosexual man can fall in love in an extreme setting such as prison. But because they "revert" to their heterosexuality (as Berkman did) when they return to mixed company, a fundamentalist would say that heterosexuality remains the essential phenotype of a man such as Berkman. Rather than focus on an enduring essence, however, a contextualist would emphasize the diverse capacities of sexual desire and expression found within any one individual. For a contextualist, what is most interesting is the developmental dynamic that allows a set of feelings and desires to stabilize under a certain set of conditions. Equally interesting for these scholars are the conditions that destabilize one form of sexual desire and allow new forms to emerge and stabilize. Perhaps even more telling for the contextualist is a story Berkman tells late in the book about a conversation with a fellow prisoner called George. But by degrees the psychic state began to manifest all the expressions of love between the opposite sexes. If the above passage had been written by a woman rather than a man most modern-day sexologists would not even blink. There is a growing consensus that men and women differ rather dramatically in how their sexual orientation and desire manifests itself over the life cycle. This is why the speaker at the meeting on sex and gender whom I quoted earlier (men straightforward, women complex) said what he said. Recently, she reported on the first ten years of a life cycle study of sexual preference in women who initially identified themselves as having a same sex orientation. Diamond recruited her sample of about 100 women when they were young-average age of 20-and has interviewed them every two years since then. Each time she assessed their place on a Kinsey Scale, and also asked directly how their sexuality has changed (or not) and how they conceptualize their own identity compared to their previous interview. Since this is an ongoing study, we can expect more to emerge as "her women" move from their teens and twenties into middle age and beyond. Diamond was surprised to discover that a mere two years after her first interview about one third of the women had changed their identities. Some changed from un-labeled to lesbian or bisexual; others switched from lesbian or bisexual to un-labeled; and a third group switched from lesbian to heterosexual. Well, Diamond reasoned, these women are all young; perhaps their sexual identity development is still in flux; surely they will have settled down by the time of the next couple of interviews. Over the course of ten years the women continued to switch categories "typically in a way that broadened, rather than narrowed their potential range of attractions and relationships" (ibid. Astoundingly, in ten years two thirds of the women had changed their sexual identity labels at least once (Diamond, 2007). As a result of her findings, Diamond identifies four important aspects of female sexuality. First, she concludes that women do have a general sexual orientation, most commonly to men, but also to both sexes and, less frequently, mainly to other women. Second, Diamond suggests that in addition to a general sexual orientation women are sensitive to situations and relationships that might mediate erotic feelings. She calls this "sexual fluidity" and offers as examples intense emotional relationships or greater positive exposure to same-sex relationships. Fourth, just as women have different orientations, not all women are equally fluid. This means that the same "trigger experiences" might trigger fluidity in one person but not another. Perhaps men also have the trait of sexual fluidity, but it is less easily evoked than for women. We simply do not understand either the biological or the psychological, sociological, and cultural processes by which human sexual desire develops. But so too do they differ with regard to psychological, sociological, and cultural development, so sorting out the one from the other is pretty difficult. Indeed, the future understandings of human sexuality lie in our ability to design dynamic, multidimensional approaches that can follow the development of sexual desire, orientation, and fluidity throughout the life cycle. Diamond has already begun to place her first decade of findings on women in a new theoretical context. For example, she documents non-linear discontinuities rather than linear and continuous changes in female sexual expression.

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The crucified Messiah cholesterol pills recall cheap prazosin 5 mg free shipping, the Lion who is the Lamb cholesterol ratio target discount prazosin 2.5 mg on-line, has both suffered and triumphed bad cholesterol levels nz 2.5 mg prazosin free shipping, because it is sacrificial love that is the way of the kingdom cholesterol yellow eyes cheap 5mg prazosin fast delivery. In his seminal 2010 volume To Change the World, James Davison Hunter argued the desires of American Christians to be world-changers had been a manifest failure. In a searing analysis of both the Christian Right and Left, Hunter argued all of these paradigms surrendered themselves to unChristlike models of politics. But the means of influence and the ends of influence must conform to the exercise of power modeled by Christ. The evangelical love of truth, indeed the knowledge that we are proclaiming him who is the light of the world, seems to inherently authorize a posture of domineering Bauckham, Theology, 91. James Davison Hunter, To Change the World: the Irony, Tragedy, and Possibility of Christianity in the Late Modern World (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010), 109-110. The Canadian theologian John Stackhouse speaks of being raised in an evangelical tradition which taught "apologetics as martial arts,"56 where the intended goal might be gospel victory, but the regular outcome is further estrangement from Christians because their manner of speech has become so thoroughly boorish. Lest the above discussion be regarded as too abstract, we might cite here an example where such considerations have potential relevance. The recent debate between conservative thinkers Sohrab Ahmari and David French over the posture Christians should take towards liberal democracy is potentially illustrative of much we have discussed. Instead, believers should battle for the governmental power to enforce order for the common good. In reply, French maintained his belief that classical liberalism remains viable, and therefore the appropriate Christian posture is one which defends and protects a pluralist public square. For our purposes, what is intriguing about their conflict is the way martial discourse is deployed within a broader paradigm of social and political power. For Ahmari the language of power and war necessitates a strategy in which godliness might define the goal, but it has very little to say about the means. The weapons of our warfare are obtaining sufficient political power for righteous government to intervene. Unlike Ahmari, he seeks the guidance of Scripture that whatever path we take cannot violate love of neighbor and love of enemy. In this sense, neither of these two thinkers manage to capture the paradoxical vision of the New Testament, although our sympathies lie far more with French. So how might one reimagine intellectual power in the public square in a cruciform manner Here we shall limit ourselves to three basic rubrics: humility, hospitality, and sacrifice. First, the Christian public intellectual should be characterized by humility from start to finish. Rejecting the love of honor (philotimia) that is endemic within both the ancient and modern worlds,60 the Christian intellectual seeks for the public because they love the public, rather than because they love praise. Here we adopt the definition of humility advocated by John Dickson in his book Humilitas, where he states: "Humility is the noble choice to forgo your status, deploy your resources or use your influence for the good of others before yourself. More simply, you could say the humble person is marked by a willingness to hold power in service of others. The story of Christ, however, is not one in which humiliation and shame are absent. The cross is an instrument of humiliation and public scorn, and the victory and vindication of Christ is only established through such a path. For the public intellectual there may be no greater fear than that of being publicly shamed. Second, the Christian public intellectual should be characterized by hospitality towards the enemy. Across the Old and New Testaments, hospitality functions as a central practice of Christian virtue. Stephens and Georgiane Deal, "The God who Gives Generously: Honour, Praise, and the Agony of Celebrity," Scottish Journal of Theology 71 (2018): 54. Pohl, "Hospitality is a Way of Life Fundamental to Christian Identity," in Making Room: Recovering Hospitality as a Christian Tradition (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1999), Kindle Locations 20. For a survey of the biblical evidence, together with the witness of Christian history, see Pohl, Making Room, Kindle Locations 215-685. The value of hospitality as a broader social idea or motif, however, has come to be recognized in the works of political theologians like Luke Bretherton who regards hospitality as a structuring concept which can define the posture Christians should generally adopt towards those with whom they disagree.