David Lindley, DO

  • Assistant Professor
  • Department of Anesthesiology
  • Critical Care Medicine and Pain Management
  • University of Miami
  • Miami, Florida

Atlanta: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention diabetic diet meal plan 30 days purchase glycomet 500 mg with mastercard, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control blood glucose kit for dogs buy glycomet 500mg lowest price. Neuropsychological deficits in symptomatic minor head injury patients after concussion and mild concussion diabetes type 2 by country buy glycomet cheap. Depression and posttraumatic stress disorder at three months after mild to moderate traumatic brain injury blood glucose 10 generic 500mg glycomet visa. Does loss of consciousness predict neuropsychological decrements after concussion Measurement of symptoms following sports-related concussion: reliability and norma tive data for the post-concussion scale. Neuropsychological functioning and recovery after mild head injury in collegiate athletes. Neuropsychological and information process ing deficits following mild traumatic brain injury. Postconcussional disorder following mild to moderate traumatic brain injury: anxiety, depression, and social support as risk factors and comorbidities. Unreported concussion in high school football players: implications for prevention. Mild traumatic brain injury and postconcussion syndrome: the new evi dence base for diagnosis and treatment. Prediction of neuropsychiatric outcome following mild trauma brain injury: an examination of the Glasgow Coma Scale. Report to congress on mild traumatic brain injury in the United States: steps to prevent a serious public health problem. A randomized trial of two treatments for mild traumatic brain injury: 1 year follow-up. Concussion in profes sional football: Injuries involving 7 or more days out-Part 5. Exercise and depressive symptoms: a comparison of aerobic and resistance exercise effects on emotional and physical function in older persons with high and low depressive symptomatology. The impact of voluntary exercise on mental health in rodents: a neuroplasticity perspective. Impact of early intervention on outcome after mild traumatic brain injury in children. Understanding sequelae of injury mechanisms and mild traumatic brain injury incurred during the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan: persistent postconcussive symptoms and posttraumatic stress disorder. A quantitative review of the effects of traumatic brain injury on cognitive functioning. Screening for traumatic brain injury in troops returning from deployment in Afghanistan and Iraq: initial investigation of the usefulness of a short screening tool for traumatic brain injury. Presence of post-concussion syndrome symptoms in patients with chronic pain vs mild traumatic brain injury. Effects of mild, moderate and severe closed head injury on long-term vocational status. Elevated serum S-100B protein as a predictor of failure to short-term return to work or activities after mild head injury. Invisible wounds of war: psychological and cognitive injuries, their consequences, and services to assist recovery. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging in mild to moderate head injury: early and late imaging related to outcome. One year out come in mild to moderate head injury: the predictive value of acute injury characteristics related to complaints and return to work. Demographic, medical, and psychiatric factors in work and marital status after mild head injury. Detection of inad equate effort on neuropsychological testing: a meta-analytic review of selected procedures. Alcohol abuse and traumatic brain injury: quantitative magnetic resonance imaging and neu ropsychological outcome. Iverson Abstract Concussions in sports typically arise from a hard blow to the head. In soccer, for example, head-to-head impacts carry a high risk for concussion (Withnall et al. Occasionally, however, athletes experience complicated mild, moderate, or severe traumatic brain injuries. In equestrian and auto racing, for example, accidents can result in much more serious injuries to the brain. They should then begin a graded series of exertional activities to make sure that exercise or light contact does not elicit symptoms. In the most serious cases, when athletes have sustained multiple concussions or otherwise are espe cially susceptible to concussions, the athlete, his or her family, coach, trainer, and physician need to explore the possibility of retirement. Concussion typically results in the rapid onset of short-lived impairment of neurological function that resolves spontaneously. Concussion may result in neuropathological changes, but the acute clinical symptoms largely refect a functional disturbance rather than structural injury. Concussion results in a graded set of clinical symptoms that may or may not involve loss of consciousness. Resolution of the clinical and cognitive symptoms typically follows a sequential course. Concussion is typically associated with grossly normal structural neuroimaging studies (Aubry et al. Neurobiology and Pathophysiology Most injuries in sports can be characterized as relatively mild concussions. Loss of consciousness usually is not present, and post-traumatic amnesia is typically brief. This injury is likely associated with low levels of axonal stretch resulting in temporary changes in neurophysiology. Giza and Hovda (2004) described the complex interwoven cellular and vascular changes that occur following concussion as a multilayered neurometabolic cascade. The primary mechanisms include ionic shifts, abnormal energy metabolism, diminished 23 Sport-Related Concussion 723 cerebral blood flow, and impaired neurotransmission (see Figs. Fortunately, for the vast majority of affected cells, there appears to be a reversible series of neurometabolic events (Giza and Hovda 2001, 2004; Iverson 2005, 2007). The neurometabolic derangements associated with concussion are studied through animal and in vitro experimental models (Giza and Hovda 2001, 2004). The stretching of axons due to mechanical force results in an indiscriminate release of neurotransmitters and uncontrolled ionic fluxes. Mechanoporation allows calcium (Ca2+) influx and potassium (K) efflux, contributing to rapid and widespread depo larization. Cells respond by activating ion pumps in an attempt to restore the normal membrane potential. These factors contribute to a state of hypermetabolism, which occurs in tandem with decreased cerebral blood flow, further compounding the hypermetabolism. The sus tained influx of Ca2+ can result in mitochondrial accumulations of this ion and con tribute to metabolic dysfunction and energy failure. The energy production of the cell is compromised further by over-utilization of anaerobic energy pathways and elevated lactate as a by-product. Moreover, intracellular magnesium levels appear to decrease significantly and remain depressed for several days following injury. Magnesium is also essential for the initiation of protein synthesis and the maintenance of the cellular membrane potential. The ultimate fate of the neuron is related to the extent of traumatic axonal injury, summarized elegantly by Buki and Povlishock (2006). High intracellular Ca2+ levels, combined with stretch injury, can initiate an irreversible process of destruction of microtubules within axons. The disruption of the microtubular and neurofilament components contributes to axonal swelling and detachment.

For repair of acute Type A the left subclavian artery to the iliac arteries (WebFigures12and13) diabetic bracelets buy glycomet cheap online. Owing to the protect replacement of aortic sinuses iveeffectofhypothermia blood glucose abbreviation cheap glycomet 500 mg overnight delivery,otheradjunctivemethodsareunnecessary diabetes mellitus blood glucose level 500mg glycomet with mastercard. Drain cannulation for surgery of the aortic arch and in aortic agereducestherateofparaplegiainpatientswiththoraco-abdominal dissection diabetes symptoms causes best order glycomet. Openabdominalaorticrepairusuallyinvolvesastandardmedianlapar otomy, but may also be performed through a left retroperitoneal aClass of recommendation. The aorta is dissected, in particular at the aortic neck c Reference(s) supporting recommendations. The pain may migrate from its point of origin to other sites, following the dissec Acute aortic syndromes occur when either a tear or an ulcer tion path as it extends through the aorta. The inammatory response to blood in the media may Although any pulse decit may be as frequent as 30% in patients lead to aortic dilation and rupture. This and annulus, tearing of the annulus or valve cusps, downward dis process is followed either by an aortic rupture in the case of adventi placement of one cusp below the line of the valve closure, loss of tial disruption or by a re-entering into the aortic lumen through a support of the cusp, and physical interference in the closure of second intimal tear. The dissection can be either antegrade or retro the aortic valve by an intimal ap. This classication takes into account the cation is associated with a doubling of mortality. The inammatory response ostia or the propagation of the dissection process into the coronary tothrombusinthemediaislikelytoinitiatefurthernecrosisandapop 151 tree. This incidence is higher in men than 9 infarction between the series and between Types A and -B aortic in women and increases with age. The prognosis is poorer in women, dissection are challenged by the lack of a common denition. The pain may be sharp, ripping, tearing, knife-like, and typ controlled hypertension. The clinical presentations existing left ventricular dysfunction, or major blood loss. End-organ ischaemia may also result from equal distribution between Type A and Type B patterns, and are the involvement of a major arterial orice in the dissection believed to be mainly the result of an inammatory process. The perfusion disturbance can be intermittent if caused by a dissection ap prolapse, or persistent in cases of obliteration 6. Clinical manifestation compression of the pulmonary artery and aortopulmonary stula, is frequently insidious; the abdominal pain is often non-specic, leading to dyspnoea or unilateral pulmonary oedema, and acute patients may be painless in 40% of cases; consequently, the diagno aortic rupture into the lung with massive haemoptysis. In addition, the in-hospital mortality rate of patients with mesenteric malperfusion is almost three times 6. Bleeding may be from cerebral malperfusion, hypotension, distal thromboembolism, limited, as a result of mesenteric infarction, or massive, caused by an or peripheral nerve compression. Serial testing of creatinine and monitoring of opathy, caused by a malperfusion of the subclavian or femoral terri urine output are needed for an early detection of this condition. Transoesophageal echocardiography may be of however,theadvantageofthetestistheincreasedalertforthediffer great interest in the very unstable patient, and can be used to ential diagnosis. Thrombusformation Extent of the disease according to the aortic anatomic segmentation 150 isoftencombinedwithslowowandspontaneouscontrast. Localization and extent of aortic wall thickening Co-existence of atheromatous disease (calcium shift) 6. The primary role of unenhanced acquisition is to Localization of the lesion (length and depth) detect medially displaced aortic calcications or the intimal ap Co-existence of intramural haematoma 171 itself. The localization of entry and re-entry is nearly as accur and distance from the intimal tear to the vital vascular branches. Slender linear areas of low attenuation effusion, aortic regurgitation, or carotid artery dissection. Dense contrast enhancement in the left brachiocepha 8 lic vein or superior vena cava, mediastinal clips, and indwelling cathe (Table 7). This difculty can be avoided by 3 groups of information is associated with increasing pre-test prob careful attention to thevolumeandinjection rateofintravenous con ability, which should be taken into account in the diagnostic ap trast material administered. Figure 6 Flowchart for decision-making based on pre-test sensitivity of acute aortic syndrome. Although commonly associated with a poor the advantage of surgery over conservative therapy is particularly post-operative prognosis, recovery has been reported when rapid 195 brain reperfusion is achieved,114,209 especially if the time between obvious in the long-term follow-up. Malperfusionmayalsobecausedbyexten was signicantly lower after surgical management than with sion of the intimal ap into the organ/peripheral arteries, resulting in medical treatment. In most cases, malperfusion is lower after surgery than with conservative treatment (37. Fenestrationof the intimalap is used inpatients 196 with dynamic malperfusion syndrome, to create a sufcient distal years of age. In most cases of aortic insuffi18 mm diameter balloon catheter is used to create one or several ciency associated with acute Type A dissection, the aortic valve is large communications between the two lumens. Alternatively,giventheemer gency situation, aortic valve replacement can be performed. The sheath case, it is preferable to replace the aortic root if the dissection is advanced over the two guidewiresfromthe externaliliacartery up involvesatleastonesinusofValsalva,ratherthanperformasupracor to the visceral arteries, to create a large communication site. Thelatter isassociated with Although performed with high technical success rates, fenestra late dilation of the aortic sinuses and recurrence of aortic regurgita tion alone may not completely resolve malperfusion. In a recent 202,203 series, 75% of patients undergoing fenestration required additional tion, and requires a high-risk re-operation. Various techniques 215 exist for re-implantion of the coronary ostia or preservation of the endovascular interventions. This medical therapy including mechanism may resolve malperfusion of visceral or peripheral arter pain relief and blood I C ies. Lowerextremitiesarterydisease,severetortuosityoftheiliacarteries, a sharp angulation of the aortic arch, and the absence of a proximal aClass of recommendation. Intramural haematoma is diag Difficult blood pessure control228 nosedinthepresenceofacircularorcrescent-shapedthickening Ascending aortic involvement228, 237, 242 of. Common features in patients affected compare open surgical and endovascular treatment. There aortic ulcer fore, patients with contained aortic rupture are haemodynamically stable. Concurrent abdominal pain may be therapy under careful surveillance is I C presentinpatientswithsymptomaticthoraco-abdominal aneurysms. The location of theruptureisofparamountimportance,asitispertinenttoprognosis aClass of recommendation. When the pressure of the aortic lowed by a contrast injection to delineate the presence of contrast pseudoaneurysmexceedsthemaximallytoleratedwalltensionofthe leaks indicating rupture. In addition to the entire aorta, imaging surrounding tissue, fatal rupture occurs. Pseudoaneurysms of the thor urgent treatment because of the risk of imminent internal bleeding acic aorta are commonly secondary to blunt thoracic trauma, as a and death. As a general rule and in the absence of contraindications, consequence of rapid deceleration experienced in motor vehicle 262 symptomaticpatientsshouldbe treatedregardless ofthediameterof accidents, falls, and sports injuries. Rarely, and endovascular options should be carefully balanced in terms of aortic pseudoaneurysms are secondary to aortic infections risks and benets, case by case, depending also on local expertise.

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G Prospective long-term follow-up of women observed or treated for endometrial hyperplasia to provide more precise estimates of the natural history of endometrial disease and to delineate risk factors predictive of disease persistence metabolic disease zoysia purchase generic glycomet, progression and relapse blood sugar 75 cheap generic glycomet uk. G 100% of women with endometrial hyperplasia without atypia should have at least two negative endometrial biopsies prior to discharge metabolic disease that causes weight gain buy glycomet 500mg without prescription. G 100% of postmenopausal women with atypical hyperplasia should undergo a total hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy if not medically contraindicated blood sugar 96 generic glycomet 500mg with amex. Asymptomatic endometrial evaluation of risk factors for endometrial hyperplasia in thickening. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2002;12: Long-term Consequences of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Risk of complex and atypical endometrial endometrial hyperplasia in polycystic ovary syndrome. Prevalence of endometrial cancer and panoramic hysteroscopy with directed biopsies and hyperplasia in non-symptomatic overweight and obese dilatation and curettage. Hormone therapy in postmenopausal women and risk of Prevalence of endometrial polyps and abnormal uterine endometrial hyperplasia. High rate of biopsy versus dilatation and curettage for the diagnosis of endometrial hyperplasia in renal transplanted women. A randomised trial comparing the H Pipelle with induced by progesterone receptor modulators. Absolute risk of endometrial carcinoma progestogen-releasing intrauterine systems for heavy during 20-year follow-up among women with endometrial menstrual bleeding. Endometrial carcinoma risk among levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system versus oral women diagnosed with endometrial hyperplasia: the progestins in treatment of simple endometrial hyperplasia 34-year experience in a large health plan. The hyperplasia in perimenopausal women: a randomized behavior of endometrial hyperplasia: a prospective study. A prospective randomized asymptomatic morbidly obese women: a prospective, pilot comparative study. Women at extreme risk for medroxyprogesterone acetate as a therapy for endometrial obesity-related carcinogenesis: Baseline endometrial hyperplasia. Levonorgestrel-releasing and complex atypical hyperplasia to bariatric specialists: a intrauterine system is an efficient therapeutic modality prospective cohort study. Histopathological findings of the and relapse of endometrial hyperplasia with conservative endometrium in patients with dysfunctional uterine therapy. Treatment of non-atypic endometrial term treatment with continuous combined oestrogen hyperplasia using thermal balloon endometrial ablation progestogen replacement therapy: follow up study. The endometrial response to sequential hysterectomy in high-risk women with atypical endometrial and continuous combined oestrogen-progestogen hyperplasia. Benedetti Panici P, Basile S, Maneschi F, Alberto Lissoni A, after tamoxifen treatment of breast cancer. Sustained effect of the atypical complex endometrial hyperplasia: a systematic aromatase inhibitors anastrozole and letrozole on review and metaanalysis. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2012; endometrial thickness in patients with endometrial 207:266. Levonorgestrel intrauterine hyperplasia or grade 1 endometrial adenocarcinoma in system for endometrial protection in women with breast premenopausal women treated with progestin therapy. Prophylactic use endometrial adenocarcinoma after successful fertility of levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system in women sparing management using progestin. It is hoped that this process of local ownership will help to incorporate these guidelines into routine practice. Consider ovarian conservation according to age, menopausal status and patient 6-month intervals, thereafter preferences. Estimaciones generales indican que la endometriosis es la entidad mas frecuentemente diagnosticada en ginecologia y una de las condiciones quirurgicas mas comunes en (2) mujeres jovenes. Otros estudios revelan que es la tercera causa ginecologica de (3) hospitalizacion en los Estados Unidos. Martin en 1891 explico la presencia de un adenoma del ligamento redondo sobre la base de una inclusion de restos de conductos Wolffianos. Pick en 1896, publico un caso en el que encontro tejido endometrial normal, desarrollado en el ovario. Waldeyer penso en 1870 que la endometriosis ovarica tenia su origen en la invasion del estroma ovarico por su epitelio superficial y Whitrige Williams apoyo esta teoria al comprobar la existencia de epitelio cilindrico en la superficie del ovario de adultos. En su trabajo original Russell atribuyo la presencia de tejido endometrial en el ovario a inclusiones de restos mullerianos y esta teoria encontro decidido apoyo en los trabajos de Janney en 1922, y de Blair en 1923. En 1921 Sampson emitio su teoria de la implantacion y en 1925 este mismo autor demostro la posibilidad de la invasion por embolia y (4) contiguidad. La prevalencia del diagnostico varia de acuerdo al modo en el cual se realizo el (3) diagnostico teniendo los siguientes datos. Se desconoce en general el costo anual en salud asociado a la endometriosis, sin embargo se piensa que este es elevado ya que el estandar de oro para el establecimiento del diagnostico es por laparoscopia (o laparotomia). Esta enfermedad en general es mas comun hacer el diagnostico en mujeres que se encuentran en edad reproductiva y el periodo de tiempo aproximado para establecerlo es en Estados Unidos en promedio 11. Sin embargo otros articulos de revision norteamericanos reportan la confirmacion del diagnostico en promedio seis anos o mas, debido a la variabilidad de los signos y sintomas asi como (3,5) la confusion con otros diagnosticos. Las conclusiones del estudio sobre la incidencia de la endometriosis en pacientes infertiles y la edad de manifestacion coincidieron con lo reportado en la bibliografia, encontrandose endometriosis leve en el 50% de los casos (6) y siendo el sitio mas afectado el fondo de saco de Douglas. En el Instituto Nacional de Perinatologia de acuerdo a los resultados de los anuarios estadisticos consultados ente el 2001 y 2005 se realizaron 2,636 laparoscopias de las cuales 2129 fueron diagnosticas y tan solo 507 de tipo quirurgicas. Se han desarrollado varias teorias que intentan explicar la patogenia de la (1,8,9) endometriosis, algunas de las cuales solo tiene un valor historico. El proponia que el tejido endometrial era refluido a traves de las trompas de Falopio durante la menstruacion ocasionando una implantacion en la superficie peritoneal y organos pelvicos. Segundo, las celulas endometriales refluidas se encuentran viables en la cavidad peritoneal. Tercero, el reflujo de celulas endometriales se encuentra en condiciones para adherirse al (8) peritoneo con la subsecuente invasion, implantacion y proliferacion. De acuerdo con esta teoria, la endometriosis surge como resultado de la metaplasia de la serosa peritoneal. Estos cambios metaplasicos se producen como respuesta a procesos inflamatorios o a influencias hormonales. La embriologia demuestra que el peritoneo pelvico, el epitelio germinal del ovario y los conductos mullerianos son derivados de la pared celomica. Existen evidencias que podrian sugerir este mecanismo de diseminacion via linfatica en sitios distantes como pleura, ombligo, espacio retroperitoneal, extremidades inferiores, vagina y cervix, por la comunicacion linfatica entre estas estructuras. Sampson demostro ademas la presencia de tejido endometrial en venas uterinas en mujeres con adenomiosis. Hobbs y Borthnick lograron inducir endometriosis pulmonar en conejos inyectando tejido endometrial via intravenosa. Esta teoria tambien podria explicar los casos raros de endometriosis osea, muscular, en cerebro, parenquima pulmonar, espacio vertebral y extremidades. Se propone que puede activarse la diferenciacion celular de restos de celulas de origen Mulleriano en celulas endometriales, en presencia de estimulos especificos, pudiendo esto tambien explicar la presencia de endometriosis reportada en hombres.

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Secondary sex characteristics may present on a spectrum of development in patients undergoing hormone therapy type 2 diabetes juice fasting purchase generic glycomet online, to some degree dependent on duration of hormone use and age of initiation diabetes walk 500 mg glycomet overnight delivery. Transgender men may have facial and body hair growth diabetic zombie apocalypse cheap glycomet 500mg with visa, clitoromegaly diabetic diet basics proven 500 mg glycomet, increased muscle mass, masculine fat redistribution, androgenic alopecia, and acne. Transender women may have breast development (often underdeveloped), feminine fat redistribution, reduced muscle mass, thinned or absent body hair, thinned or absent facial hair, softened, thinner skin, and testicles that have decreased in size or completely retract. Providers should maintain an organ inventory to guide screening and management of certain specific complaints. Special considerations for a vaginal exam in transgender women (See also guidelines for sexually transmitted infections, and for vaginoplasty) the anatomy of a neovagina created in a transgender woman differs from a natal vagina in that it is a blind cuff, lacks a cervix or surrounding fornices, and may have a more posterior orientation. As such using an anoscope may be a more anatomically appropriate approach for a visual examination. The anoscope can be inserted, the trocar removed, and the vaginal walls visualized collapsing around the end of the anoscope as it is withdrawn. June 17, 2016 20 Guidelines for the Primary and Gender-Affirming Care of Transgender and Gender Nonbinary People Special considerations for conducting a pelvic examination with transgender men (See also guidelines for sexually transmitted infections, and for cervical cancer screening) the pelvic exam may be a traumatic and anxiety inducing procedure for transgender men and other trans-masculine persons. Transgender men are less likely to be up to date on cervical cancer screenings [5] and have a higher rate of inadequate cytologic sampling. The use of testosterone or presence of amenorrhea should be indicated on the requisition. Should the individual express distress or concern about the examination, it may be deferred until a later date once a trusting relationship has been developed. A website with further details on pelvic examinations and screening can be found at checkitoutguys. A positive experience may lead to the patient considering further examinations in the future. Other special considerations Binding of the chest to create a masculine appearance may lead to skin breakdown or other complications of the skin. National Transgender Discrimination Survey; Report on Health and Healthcare [Internet]. Gender Affirmation: a framework for conceptualizing risk behavior among transgender women of color. Female-to-male patients have high prevalence of unsatisfactory Paps compared to non-transgender females: implications for cervical cancer screening. Overview of gender-affirming treatments and procedures Primary author: Madeline B. All of these procedures have been defined as medically necessary by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health. In contrast to past practices in which a set pathway involved a requirement of psychological assessment hormones genital surgery, the current standard of care is to allow each transgender person to seek only those interventions which they desire to affirm their own gender identity. Surgical interventions: A wide range of gender-affirming surgeries are available to transgender people. These include surgeries specific to gender affirmation, as well as procedures commonly performed in non-transgender populations. A systematic review of the effects of hormone therapy on psychological functioning and quality of life in transgender individuals. Gender Affirmation: A framework for conceptualizing risk behavior among transgender women of color. Standards of Care for the Health of Transsexual, Transgender, and Gender-Nonconforming People, Version 7. June 17, 2016 24 Guidelines for the Primary and Gender-Affirming Care of Transgender and Gender Nonbinary People 6. Medical providers who feel comfortable making an assessment and diagnosis of gender dysphoria, as well as assessing for capacity to provide informed consent (able to understand risks, benefits, alternatives, unknowns, limitations, risks of no treatment) are able to initiate gender affirming hormones without a prior assessment or referral from a mental health provider. Qualifications of the prescribing provider Prescribing gender-affirming hormones is well within the scope of a range of medical providers, including primary care physicians, obstetricians-gynecologists, and endocrinologists, advanced practice nurses, and physician assistants. Most medications used in gender-affirming hormone therapy are commonly used substances with which most prescribers are already familiar due to their use in the management of menopause, contraception, hirsutism, male pattern baldness, prostatism, or abnormal uterine bleeding. Updated recommendations from the world professional association for transgender health standards of care. Use of the informed consent model in the provision of cross-sex hormone therapy: a survey of the practices of selected clinics. June 17, 2016 25 Guidelines for the Primary and Gender-Affirming Care of Transgender and Gender Nonbinary People 7. General effects include breast development (usually to Tanner stage 2 or 3), a redistribution of facial and body subcutaneous fat, reduction of muscle mass, reduction of body hair (and to a lesser extent, facial hair), change in sweat and odor patterns, and arrest and possible reversal of scalp hair loss. Sexual and gonadal effects include reduction in erectile function, changes in libido, reduced or absent sperm count and ejaculatory fluid, and reduced testicular size. Feminizing hormone therapy also brings about changes in emotional and social functioning. The general approach of therapy is to combine an estrogen with an androgen blocker, and in some cases a progestagen. No outcome studies have been conducted on injectable estradiol valerate or cypionate, presumably due to their uncommon modern use outside of transgender care settings; due to this limited use manufacturers have little incentive to produce this medicine, and shortages have been reported. Other delivery routes for estradiol such as transdermal gel or spray are formulated for the treatment of menopausal vasomotor symptoms and while convenient and effective in some transgender women, in others these routes may not be able to achieve blood levels in the physiologic female range. Compounded topical creams and gels also exist from specialty pharmacies; if these are to be used it is recommended that the prescriber consult with the compounding pharmacist to understand the specific details and dosing of the individual preparation. Compounded estradiol valerate or cypionate for injection also exists, and may be an alternative in times of shortage or more cost effective for those who must pay cash for their prescriptions. Conjugated equine estrogens (Premarin) have been used in the past but are not recommended for a number of reasons, including inability to accurately measure blood levels and some suggestion of increased thrombogenicity and cardiovascular risk. Ethical concerns have been raised regarding the methods of production of equine estrogens. Side effects of estrogens may include migraines, mood swings, hot flashes, and weight gain. Unfortunately many of these characteristics are permanent upon completion of natal puberty and are irreversible. Androgen blockers allow the use of lower estradiol dosing, in contrast to the supraphysiologic estrogen levels (and associated risks) previously used to affect pituitary gonadotropin suppression. Spironolactone is a potassium sparing diuretic, which in higher doses also has direct anti-androgen receptor activity as well as a suppressive effect on testosterone synthesis. Due to its diuretic effect, patients may experience self-limited polyuria, polydipsia, or orthostasis. Finasteride blocks 5-alpha reductase type 2 and 3 mediated conversion of testosterone to the potent androgen dihydrotestosterone. Since these medications block neither the production nor action of testosterone, their antiandrogen effect is less than that encountered with full blockade. In the absence of estrogen replacement, some patients may have unpleasant symptoms of hot flashes and low mood or energy. Long term full androgen blockade without hormone replacement in men who have undergone treatment for prostate cancer results in bone loss, and this effect would also be expected to occur in transgender individuals. In some patients, complete androgen blockade may be difficult or even impossible using standard regimens. In cases of persistent elevations of testosterone in the setting of maximal antiandrogen dosing with good medication adherance, autonomous endogenous production. Orchiectomy may represent an ideal option in transgender women who do not desire to retain their gonads; this brief, inexpensive, outpatient procedure requires only several days for recovery and does not preclude future vaginoplasty. Progestagens: There have been no well-designed studies of the role of progestagens in feminizing hormone regimens.