Ndola Prata MD, MSc

  • Professor, Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health


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Consider use of tourniquets in emergent, hostile or multiple patient situations where bleeding is considerable 3. Early notification of hospital resources is essential once rapidly leaving the scene f. Changes in vital signs or assessment findings while en route are critical to report and document 7. Blast waves when the victim is close to the blast cause disruption of major blood vessels, rupture of major organs, and lethal cardiac disturbances b. Postpartum Complications: pathophysiology, assessment, complications, management 1. Post partum depression Page 306 of 385 Special Patient Population Neonatal Care Paramedic Education Standard Integrates assessment findings with principles of pathophysiology and knowledge of psychosocial needs to formulate a field impression and implement a comprehensive treatment/disposition plan for patients with special needs. Neonatal mortality risk can be determined via graphs based on birth weight and gestational age b. Complete airway obstruction a) Atelectasis b) right-to-left shunt across the foramen ovale ii. Morbidity/ mortality - represent relative medical emergencies as they are usually a sign of an underlying abnormality c. Pathophysiology - Increased surface-to-volume relation makes newborns extremely sensitive to environmental conditions, especially when wet after delivery a. Increased metabolic demand can cause metabolic acidosis, pulmonary hypertension and hypoxemia 4. Diffuse, sometimes ecchymotic, edematous swelling of the soft tissues of the scalp b. In children younger than 10 years, narrowest part of the airway is below the vocal cords at the non-distensible cricoid cartilage 7. The epiglottis in infants and toddlers is long, floppy, narrow, and extends at a 45-degree angle into airway 9. Securing the endotracheal tube at the appropriate depth is crucial since changes in even one centimeter can mean a right mainstem intubation or unplanned extubation C. Young children breathe primarily with their diaphragms; their chest muscles are immature and fatigue easily 4. Infants and children are dependent on effective diaphragmatic excursion for adequate ventilation; a distended abdomen may not allow for this b. Lungs more prone to pneumothorax from excessive pressures while bag-mask ventilating f. Mobility of mediastinal structures makes children more sensitive to tension pneumothorax and flail chest g. Angle slightly away from the growth plate when inserting an intraosseous needle F. When ventilating a pediatric patient, the bag should have no less than 450-500 mL volume c. Err on using a larger bag for ventilating the pediatric patient; regardless of the size of the bag used for ventilation, one should only use enough force to make the chest rise slightly to limit pneumothorax Page 328 of 385 d. Higher oxygen demand and metabolic rate mean that infants and children generally become symptomatic from inhaled toxic exposures prior to adults H. The subarachnoid space is relatively smaller offering less cushioning to the brain 4. The large cerebral blood flow requirement makes children with head injuries extremely susceptible to hypoxia; hypoxia and hypotension in a child with a head injury can cause ongoing damage as bad as the initial injury itself b. Since the weaker neck supports a relatively heavier head and therefore flexes more easily with trauma, cervical spine injuries sustained are usually higher (C1-3) f. Make sure to cover the head (not the face, though) to minimize heat loss Page 329 of 385 c. Have a very low threshold for checking blood glucose levels, especially in children who are having a seizure or are lethargic on your exam d. Infants have a relatively large surface area which predisposes them to hypothermia b. This is a particularly stressful time for parents adjusting to the eating, sleeping, and crying cycle; sometimes this is complicated by post-partum depression, too, which can be a risk factor for abuse. Infants of this age begin to identify and respond to facial expressions; approach them with a smile or funny face and a happy, soft spoken voice iv. By 6 months, babies should make eye contact; no eye contact in a sick infant could be a sign of significant illness or depressed mental status 3. With the increased mobility of crawling and walking comes exposure to physical dangers B. As children begin to relate cause and effect, painful procedures make lasting impressions; be considerate by limiting painful procedures and adequately treating pain 3. The rapid increase in language means they will understand much of what you say if simple terms are used iii. Do not waste time trying to use logic to convince preschoolers; they are concrete thinkers,; avoid frightening or misleading comments vii. School aged children can understand simple explanations for illness and treatments iii. Relationships generally transition from mostly same sex ones to those with the opposite sex d. Address adolescentsconcerns and fears about the lasting effects of their injuries (especially cosmetic) and if appropriate, reassure them that everything is going to be all right vi. History (age, preceding symptoms, choking episode, underlying disease, sick contacts, prematurity) b. Recurrent respiratory infections and exercise induced bronchospasm are complications c. Inhaled medicationsbronchodilators (albuterol, ipratropium, racemic epinephrine) v. Anaphylactic: subcutaneous epinephrine, intravenous anti histamines (diphenhydramine, ranitidine), and intravenous steroids d.

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Prevalence of intimate partner violence among this sample far exceeded estimates from the general population asthma definition xylem discount advair diskus 500 mcg without a prescription. Nor may they be effective educators about the potential additional risks that substance use by victims may pose in relationships in which they are abused asthma symptoms 8dpo order advair diskus 500mcg overnight delivery. Do Alcohol and Substance Abuse Impede Victim Ability to Protect Themselves and Family Abused women who use illicit drugs or abuse alcohol are less likely to call police for protective against abusive partners or support prosecution on their abusers [663] and are less likely to able to leave their abusers and support themselves and children asthmatic bronchitis and flying generic advair diskus 500mcg fast delivery. Failure to address the substance abuse problems of female domestic violence victims may increase their risk of further victimization after they leave drug or alcohol treatment asthma predictive index discount advair diskus generic. For women unable to hold jobs over time, escaping poverty through work becomes challenging. Low-wage entry-level employment can be transformed into work that produces true economic independence only when workers are able to invest enough time in the workplace to secure promotions or to move progressively to new and higher paying jobs. Women addicted to drugs or alcohol may not be able to sustain consistent employment. As a result, these women were more likely to remain financially dependent upon their abusers. Women who were abused before becoming pregnant are likely to continue to be abused while pregnant. Women victims should also be alerted to the risks from current and ex-partners during pregnancy. Women victims with higher levels of social support are less likely to be reabused. However, social support appears not to be a protective factor for the most severely abused women. Studies indicate that women who are not abused by their partners have significantly higher levels of emotional support from nonprofessional network members and significantly less conflict in their nonprofessional networks than women who report partner violence. In one study of African American victims, those with the highest levels of social support had a 20 percent risk of reabuse and those with the lowest levels had a 65 percent risk of reabuse in the year following the research. Friends and family (principal sources of social support) provide resources and emotional support critical to implementing victim safety planning. Help-seeking is not necessarily or even typically focused on leaving the violent intimate partner. These victims may also obtain counseling, related to intimate partner violence, drug and alcohol problems, or otherwise. Others received cash welfare assistance, and welfare recipients often acquired multiple forms of assistance. A victim who believes that her partner is entitled to assert power over her, constrict her decision making, and use violence to enforce his demands may be less likely to recognize abusive or violent behavior as such. Culture, race, ethnicity and socioeconomic status may also influence victim perceptions about the violence they are experiencing and identification of the violence as illegitimate. Occupational and religious cultures can also support violence-tolerating attitudes. A study of older adult victims found that barriers to help seeking include: abuser jealousy, intimidation or threats, and victim isolation, self-blame, powerlessness, hopelessness, privacy or secrecy concerns, anticipated adverse responses of religious communities, desire to protect the abuser, and fear for family members. Some institutions deny services to undocumented 93 this document is a research report submitted to the U. If victims have sought help and failed to acquire assistance or not followed through on the assistance offered, the failure may raise a negative interference against eligibility for future assistance by the same or other institutions. Research reveals, for example, that many victims learn of the availability of civil protective orders and related services only after police respond to a 911 call from the victim or a third party. A study of shelter residents found a quarter did not know about the shelter until the day or two before entering it. Research also suggests that shelter rules and facilities may discourage victims from entering the shelters or participating in the services offered by the shelter agencies. Advocates should examine the barriers to help-seeking created by building and program structures and shelter rules and address the barriers in the design of emergency shelters and their operations. Often, victims with children seek assistance when they perceive their children are threatened. These findings contrast with those of non-pregnant rural women, the majority of whom choose appeasement or bargaining with 94 this document is a research report submitted to the U. According to the researchers, the pregnant and recently birthing women saw their babies as a ray of hope for a new beginning. For example, if a victim excuses her abuser or minimizes injuries received, she may be at the first stage. On the other hand, if she makes the decision not to tolerate the abuse and either leaves the relationship or takes actions to stop the abuse, she has reached the level of change, itself. It should be noted that the ability of a victim to change or act effectively is not necessarily under her control. Implications: Victim Advocates and Service Providers must recognize that all victims do not seek assistance at the same time or in the same way or under the same circumstances. Advocates and Service Providers should engage in various methods of outreach to inform survivors about service and assistance options. It is imperative that victims are able to identify which services are offered on a voluntary, confidential, and no-cost basis. If a victim risks losing her/his decision-making authority in pursuing any service, he/she should be notified about potential encroachments on her/his autonomy and privacy in accepting services. Active coping involves efforts to change a particular problematic or dangerous situation, while disengagement coping involves behaviors that avoid addressing the problem or danger. Public coping strategies entail outreach to human service agencies, social networks and the legal system, and private strategies involve various attempts to respond to violence and emotional abuse through accommodation and resistance. Research demonstrated that the most helpful of coping strategies were the external safety planning, legal options, formal networks and informal networks. Included in the elements that shape coping are the tangible resources of the victim, her social supports, life stressors and the specific factors of the relationship with the abuser. Protective factors included social support, education, employment, self-esteem, good health and absence of economic hardship. The study found that the more such protective factors are present, the more victims are shielded against anxiety and depression. However, severely abused women may suffer adverse mental health symptoms regardless of the presence of such protective factors. Victims who accommodated the demands of their abuser and approached problems from a stance of helplessness were at greater risk for suicide attempts. Those with good problem-solving skills, strong social supports and operating from a stance of greater empowerment were less likely to attempt suicide. It should be noted, however, that those who attempted suicide also reported using some positive coping strategies, particularly through engagement in therapy and nurturing their children. Implications: Victim Advocates and Service Providers might encourage victims to identify the history, range and effectiveness of their coping skills, offering victims opportunities for learning techniques that will enhance existing and develop new coping skills. On September 15, 2011 89 percent of all 1,944 programs provided the following data. Another contracted out weekly individual and group counseling to a Center that provided psycho-therapy groups dealing with depression, anxiety, medication and related issues. Of these funded programs, 31 were tribal shelters and 160 were tribal non-residential services. About 22 percent of the victim clients were provided assistance on more than one legal issue.

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Plot current and previous measurements on an appropriate chart (correct for age and sex) asthmatic bronchitis pdf order advair diskus 250mcg otc. Many macrocephalicand microcephalicchildren are simply (familial) extreme outliers of the normal population asthma symptoms coughing buy advair diskus line. Chronic subdural effusion Subdural haemorrhage following birth trauma invariably resolves by 4 weeks asthma symptoms 2 year old discount 500 mcg advair diskus amex. Pain from posterior fossa structures is referred to the back of head and neck in addition to the forehead asthma symptoms young children purchase advair diskus online pills. The glossopharyngeal and vagal nerves innervate part of the posterior fossa and pain is referred to the ear and throat. First (isolated) acute headache Although a rst acute headache may be the initial presentation of a primary headache such as migraine, it is important to consider other possible causes. In adolescents, a clear history of headache related to athletic or other exertion is common, and usually benign. Examination Neurological examination can be conned to movement patterns and cranial nerves if there are no sensory symptoms. The presence of venous pulsation implies normal intracranial pressure but this is absent in 10% normal population. Innocent cranial bruits are heard in approximately 50% of 5-yr-old and 10% of 10-yr-old normal children. Asymmetry or elimination by compression of the ipsilateral carotid artery suggests an organic basis. The indications for investi gation follow from a clinical assessment of the diagnosis. Distinction between muscular contraction headache and migraine without aura is often difficult and it is important to recognize that a mixed migraine/ tension headache is very common. The process may be complicated and perpetuated by inappropriate and excessive analgesia use (see b p. When headaches occur at night, it is important to distinguish between those that wake the child out of sleep from those that are noticed after the child has woken normally. A headache due to raised intracranial pressure may be the only symptom of systemic hypertension. Typically, a high frequency loss selectively affecting discrimination of consonants and intelligibility of speech. By denition Landau-Kleffner syndrome includes concurrent seizures, although these can lag the onset of the auditory agnosia by a few weeks. Unsafe bladder Large bladder residue after voiding, outlet obstruction, high pressure, hydronephrosis. Bowels the same spinal pathologies that cause bladder problems can cause bowel problems, and will need a similar approach. Usually, the bladder problems are more pronounced and bowel habits can often still be trained. Dening the phenotype the rst step in forming a differential diagnosis and planning investigations is to dene exactly which movement abnormality is/are present. This can sometimes be helped by videoing and watching the movements off-line at leisure, or with colleagues. Includes bradykinesia (slowed movement) and the Parkinsonism triad of bradykinesia, rigidity, and tremor. They are stere otyped, involuntary and irresistible, purposeless repetitive movements of skeletal, or oropharyngeal muscles causing absurd motor or phonic phenomena. Can be due to lesions anywhere in the cerebello-rubro-thalamic pathways including the red nuclei themselves (from which the tremor derives its name). A number of conditions can produce abnormal postures that may be mistaken for dystonia. If a focal dystonia is persistent, then other diagnoses such as tics should be considered. Myoclonus Myoclonus is the sudden involuntary lightning shockmuscular contractions of one or several muscle groups.