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Physicians need to fulfill their role as caregivers by actively participating in the implementation and development of lethal injection as the most humane mode of judicial execution. Keywords: Judicial execution, evolved standards, medicalization, physician, intravenous lethal injection. Introduction "The final cause of law is the welfare of society" Benjamin Cardozo1 Miles of distance have been crossed by man to transform the barbarian era to the current civilized society. History is witness to the fact that how medical professionals have helped in making the existing modes of execution more civilized, humane and efficient by playing the most pivotal role. To use a decapitating machine as a humane method of execution which later on was known as the guillotine, was first advocated and designed by Dr Joseph-Ignac Guillotine and Dr Antoine Louis, respectively. To use gas chamber and even hanging as method of execution was a valuable suggestion of Medical expertise only. It was Dr Stanley Deutsch, an anesthesiologist, who first conceived the idea of intravenous induction of general anesthesia through a lethal injection. In this research paper we would be analyzing the participation of physicians in the implementation of the death penalty through lethal injection. And currently this is an extremely controversial subject, initiating voluminous intellectual debate at global platforms. Whether physicians should 992Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, March 2020, Vol. Whether they should inject the lethal injections or just pronounce and certify death? In this research paper, scholar would critically examine the relevant ethical and legal arguments that bear on this decision. Now, it has become mandatory for the states to cure such statutory ambiguities, if physicians are required to contribute their part in the judicial executions. These kinds of legislations will not only protect the medical profession as a whole but will also take care of the needs of condemned persons and the public, in best possible manner. Ethical Arguments against Physician Participation: Doctors being the healers, hence their active participation in the judicial execution process is completely irreconcilable with their basic ethical code, is the chief contention of the opponents of such participation of the physicians. Over 2000 years old, the Hippocratic Oath, still exists as the most potent weapon and repeatedly cited foundation of professional ideals for practicing physicians. Any action taken by the physician with intent of causing any direct or indirect harm or death is broadly condemned by the overt language of the oath. The relevant text reads as, "I will prescribe regimen for the good of my patients according to my ability and my judgment and never do harm to anyone. To please no one will I prescribe a deadly drug, nor give advice which may cause his death. Firstly, the purpose of medical involvement through a physician should not be to reduce pain or suffering, but to help save life and humanity. Secondly, the presence of a physician also serves to give an aura of medical legality to the whole procedure of death penalty. The benefit for possible reduction of pain by the physician who is in fact acting under the control of the state, rather lawfully does harm. Ethical Arguments for Physician Participation: the ethical ideal which should be aspired by physicians is; "The task of medicine is to cure sometimes, to relieve often, to comfort always. Therefore, at times the preservation of life must give way to other goals of medical profession like the cure of extreme sufferings. This is the reasonable logic that backs the ethical approval to withhold and withdraw life-sustaining treatment in Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, March 2020, Vol. By and large, the Double Effect Doctrine is sanctioned by both, medical ethics as well as contemporary legal theory, which contemplates that measures carried on for beneficial purposes, like minimizing the sufferings, may be allowed morally even if they foreseeably lead to death. Masticatory efficiency and biting force is a major indicator of functional state of masticatory system and its measurement is an important parameter during treatment planning causes to erectile dysfunction buy discount kamagra gold 100mg on-line. Materials and Method: this study involves the use of miniature load cell to determine the maximum biting force and color changing chewing gum to evaluate masticatory efficiency in 20 edentulous patients wearing conventional complete dentures and comparing it with implant over dentures retained ball and bar retained over dentures erectile dysfunction protocol food lists order 100 mg kamagra gold mastercard. Results: Indicated that patients with bar retained implant over dentures demonstrated significant levels of masticatory biting force and masticatory efficiency as compared with ball retained over dentures and ball retained over dentures showed better results upon conventional complete dentures erectile dysfunction 32 purchase kamagra gold 100 mg online. Keywords: Conventional complete dentures erectile dysfunction drugs and glaucoma generic 100mg kamagra gold mastercard, Implant Retained Overdentures, Maximum Biting force, Masticatory efficiency. Introduction the prosthodontic management of the edentulous patient has been a major challenge to prosthodontists. Most prosthodontists consider treating such patients with complete maxillary and mandibular dentures as a traditional standard of care. Mandibular residual ridge provides less than 1/4th of the support offered by the periodontium to natural teeth, yet patients expects that their prosthesis to replace natural teeth. Most elderly patients face problems adapting to their lower denture due to lack of bone support resulting in less retention and stability resulting in difficulty to chew and eat. Prosthodontists focus on the restoration of osseointegrated dental implants has evolved dramatically in the two decades. Amongst the varieties available, a few systems are quite popular and frequently used are ball and socket, bar and clip, magnets and newer mechanical attachments. Either splinting implants with a bar or individual un-splinted implants connected to the overdenture using O-ring attachments have been preferred. The precise selection and placement of attachments may, however, affect the clinical success of implant-retained overdentures. Dentures after insertion Materials and Method Twenty edentulous patients participated in this study, aged between 40-65 years (Mean 54±1. Patients selected were free from any systemic/local, acute or chronic diseases that might contraindicate the placement of the implant. All subjectshad good oral hygiene, class-I type of ridges with enough height and width covered by normal thickness of muco-periostieum. The informed consent was obtained from all the subjects prior to the start of treatment. Thisstudy was approved by the Ethics Committee, Pacific Dental College, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India. Patient preparation for implant surgery: According to standardized two-stage protocol, two implants with 3. The patient was instructed to discontinue denture for 15 days following implant surgery and was recalled after two weeks forrelining with softliner. Measuring the biting force: One month after dentures insertion, the subjects were recalled andbite force recording procedure demonstrated. The UltraMiniature Load Cell transducer was covered with putty rubber base and fitted onto the occlusal surface between second premolar and first molar. Similarly, a metal piece with same dimensions of the load cell was also covered in putty and placed in the same region but on contralateral side to counterbalance the force. Patient was instructed to occlude in desired position until the material sets to form a bite (Figure- 5). Later again the patient was directed to bite on both sides for three seconds and repeat thrice with a one-minute rest between trials. Thus,biting force on both sides for conventional complete dentures and average values were recorded. After replacing the healing caps with ball and socket attachments, the patient was recalled after 3weeks; the bite force test was recorded on both sides as mentioned above for conventional dentures and was similarly repeated after replacing the ball and socket attachment with bar clip attachment. Bar fabricated and tried on cast in lab After three months, second-stage surgerywas performed to placehealing caps. The intaglio surface of the denture was modified that to accommodate O-Ring attachmentsand the denture was reinserted and left for 2-3 weeks. The patient was recalled, and evaluation of the masticatory efficiency and bite force was done, the ball and socket attachments were replaced by bar and clip attachmentwith standard prosthodontic technique (Figure 4). Masticatory efficiency and masticatory biting force were evaluated with predetermined methodology and the data collected was statistically evaluated. Bite force measuring appliance: Itis measured by several devices as reported in literature most commonly used is the sieving method. Striking a Most Delicate Balance: the Implications of Otonomi Daerah for the Planning and Implementation of Development Cooperation Projects erectile dysfunction treatment chandigarh cheap kamagra gold 100 mg line. University erectile dysfunction wiki buy 100 mg kamagra gold amex, Rabat erectile dysfunction doterra purchase kamagra gold 100 mg without prescription, Morocco erectile dysfunction medications online order kamagra gold 100mg on-line, 2Laboratory of Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Clinical Research, 3Center for Doctoral Studies of Life Sciences and Health, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of Rabat, Mohammed V University, Rabat, Morocco Abstract Background: Cyber-victimization is a real health problem worldwide. Objective: To evaluate the depression score among cyber-victimized middle school students in Morocco. Data were collected in 44 middle schools in the urban area of three Moroccan zones. Cyber-victims refer to students who were cyber-victimized twice or more in the past twelve month. We used a hierarchical multiple Regression to examine the relationship between independent variables and depression. Results: In the past twelve months 49,4% (n=1351) of cyber-victim participants were depressed and the difference between girls and boys was significant: (51,4% (n=732) vs 47,2% (n=619)) respectively p= 0,03. The most important predictor of depression score was cyber-victimization score =0,17 t = 10,98 p< 0,001. The cyber-victimization score variable explained 3 % of variation to the depression score among middle school students and p<0,001. Conclusion: Cyber-victimization is a real problem among middle school students in Morocco. Keywords: Cyber-victimization, adolescent, middle school, depression, coping, Morocco. Introduction Cyber bullying is a growing problem among adolescents in middle school1. Most of the existing Corresponding Author: Nezha Miami Center for Doctoral Studies of Life Sciences and Health, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of Rabat, Mohammed V University, Rabat, Morocco e-mail: miami nezha@yahoo. Smith defines cyber bullying as "an aggressive, intentional act carried out by a group or individual, using electronic forms of contact, repeatedly and over time against a victim who cannot easily defend him or herself"4. While, Hinduja defines it as"voluntary and repeated damage caused by the use of computers, cell phones and other electronic devices"5. In general, cyberbullying rate prevalence ranges between approximately 2,3% and 72%5. Researches on the effect of gender on cybervictimization showed no difference between girls and boys6. Regarding the effect of age on cyber-victimization,some studies found no correlation between age and cybervictimization8. Cyber-victimizationcauses many psychological problems among adolescents especially depression9,10, suicide and suicidal ideation11, social anxiety, low self-esteem12 and addictive tendency13. The current study aims to investigate moderator effects of gender, age,type of school andcybervictimization on depression among middle school students and their coping strategies. The questionnaire was evaluated according to the seven variables of the Likert scale: never happened (coded 0), once (coded 1), twice to three times a month (coded 2), once a week (coded 3) and several times a week (coded 4). A total score is calculated by summing the seven items (scores range from 0 to 28). Indeed, the identification of the risk of depression is when the score falls below the threshold of 4. The results expressed as mean ± standard deviation for the quantitative variables and frequency for the qualitative variables. The effect of gender, age and type of school were tested independently as control variables before examining the effect of cyber-victimization on the depression score. Materials and Method Study Population: this is a cross-sectional study conducted from 1st November 2017 to 30th March 2018 in three. The inclusion criteria were middle school students aged between 12 and 16 and had regular access to internet. In addition, the students were informed of the anonymous and confidential nature of the study. Taken together erectile dysfunction causes mayo purchase kamagra gold 100 mg, our results provide compelling evidence that small molecule screens provide a viable method to identify biologically relevant compounds with the potential to treat a variety of skeletal muscle disorders erectile dysfunction treatment in trivandrum buy discount kamagra gold 100 mg online. Virtanen Institute for Molecular Sciences erectile dysfunction doctors jacksonville fl cheap kamagra gold 100mg line, University of Eastern Finland erectile dysfunction see urologist order kamagra gold 100 mg amex, Kuopio, Finland, 2Department of Neurobiology, A. Virtanen Institute for Molecular Sciences and School of Pharmacy, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland, 3 Department of Biotechnology and Molecular Medicine, A. The differentiation switch towards myotubes was associated with increased expression of myogenic markers MyoD1, Myogenin and type I Ryanodine receptor, but with compromised expression of neuroectodermal (Pax-6) and neuronal (Map-2) genes. Carbacholine was found to produce a fast and strong depolarization of myotube membrane and Ca2+ release from its intracellular stores. In this process a key role is played by morphological, mechanical and biochemical stimuli provided by the extracellular environment in vivo. Traditional in vitro two-dimensional (2D) cell culture systems have been very useful to elucidate early steps of myogenesis. However, cells cultured on flat substrates differ considerably in their morphology, cell-cell/cell-matrix interaction, and differentiation from those in the physiological threedimensional (3D) environments. The aim of this work was to engineer three-dimensional (3D) human skeletal myofibers in vitro for: i) studying human myogenesis in an in vivo-like physiological microenvironment, ii) developing 3D implantable myofibers for repairing muscle defects. Human myoblasts (1ч3x104 cells/channel) were injected into the micro-channels and cultured for up to 10 days. After 10 days of culture, tightly packed human myotubes bundles have been obtained, expressing the differentiation markers myosin heavy chain, -actinin and dystrophin. It is worth to underline that we observed spontaneous contractions of human myotubes bundles. Further to be three-dimensional, thanks to their relevant dimensions (up to 15 mm in length) and their compact and elastic nature, myotubes bundles could be easily manipulated for surgical implantation. On the other hand, in vivo studies showed an optimal degradability of the scaffold and the formation of new myofibers integrated within the host tissue. Satellite cells are interesting candidates for stem cell-based therapies for the treatment of muscular dystrophy. Therefore, the understanding of satellite cell biology is crucial for the development of such therapies. In Pax7-/- mice, satellite cells are totally absent, resulting in severe muscle weakness, and ultimately leading to death. Despite the promising results obtained in murine models, clinical trials with myoblast transplantation in patients with muscular dystrophy provided very limited evidence of efficacy. Moreover, myoblasts are considered not to be suitable for systemic delivery, adding another layer of complexity in protocols aiming to treat patients with systemic muscle disorders. However, other myogenic stem/progenitor cells can be isolated from skeletal muscle. Among them, pericyte-derived mesoangioblasts are one of the most promising populations. The ability of skeletal muscle stem cells to self-renew after transplantation guarantees their long lasting therapeutic effect: this is best studied by serial transplantation assay. Although this is well established for hematopoietic and epithelial stem cells, there is very limited evidence of self-renewal by serial transplantation of skeletal muscle cells different from satellite cells. Hence, investigating mesoangioblast selfrenewal upon transplantation is of key importance for future efficacy trials. Here we show that it is possible to serially transplant wild type and dystrophic pericyte-derived mesoangioblasts in dystrophic mice. Transplanted cells were able to generate both skeletal myofibers and undifferentiated muscle stem cells. This property was maintained at the clonal level and after genetic correction using a human artificial chromosome containing the entire dystrophin locus. Although we have focused our transplants mainly on pericyte-derived satellite cells, we have been able to consistently purify populations with and without satellite cell markers after every serial transplant, with evidence of generation in vivo of satellite-like cells from pericytes and vice versa. Importantly, treated cells showed also increased ability to transmigrate across an endothelial layer, suggesting acquisition of properties similar to those of mesoangioblasts. Fertility Preservation Options for Adult Men and Teens For some male patients herbal erectile dysfunction pills canada generic 100mg kamagra gold mastercard, sperm banking may be possible psychological erectile dysfunction wiki cheap kamagra gold 100 mg with visa. 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Chaplaincy Chaplains can provide you with respectful spiritual and emotional care for all faiths and spiritualities including those that identify as non-religious or non-spiritual. Chaplaincy provides worship, meditation sessions, and can assist you in locating religious and spiritual resources. Child Life Program at Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Clinic this service helps your child cope with the stresses of illness. The Child Life Specialist uses medical play to explain treatments and procedures in age and development appropriate language. Child Life is available to help you or family members with coping skills to care for a sick child. Siblings may join in play sessions with volunteers in the recreational therapy playroom. Passes to selected Seattle attractions and free tickets to local events can be reserved by stopping by the desk. Medical Nutrition Therapy Services If you are now at a normal weight, you do not need to try to gain weight before transplant. If you wish to take vitamins or supplements, we recommend a one-a-day multivitamin and mineral supplement that is ironfree (usually labeled as vitamins for older adults). You have the right to information regarding treatment options, disease information, managing your health in the home setting, and maintaining health after treatment. Ask your nurse for materials such as the transplant manual, chemo cards, and symptom sheets. Referrals are offered to support groups, free wig fittings, and classes in the community. Computers with free internet access, a printer, fax machine, and copy machines are available for use. This referral before your transplant will help to get a measure of your pre-transplant function, strength, and range of motion in order to have baseline data to compare with your post-transplant progress. You will also be given an exercise prescription (if appropriate) to help improve your cardiovascular strength and function, improve muscle mass, and range of motion to prevent or minimize posttransplant physical complications. Pulmonary Function Throughout your treatment you will have pulmonary function tests done. Three types of tests will be completed: · Spirometry: measures how forcefully and how much air you can exhale in one breath. You can call and speak with someone directly to discuss quitting, develop a plan and get support during the process. Free nicotine patches, gum and lozenges are available to those who receive counseling. Quitting tobacco use at the time of a cancer diagnosis can lead to improved treatment outcomes, reduced side effects, and improved survival. Social Work the Social Work Department provides counseling, education, and social advocacy. Social Workers can help you adjust to your illness, promote health care navigation, assist you in the development of coping strategies, and inform you about various resources. |