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F. Yugul, M.B.A., M.B.B.S., M.H.S.

Medical Instructor, Roseman University of Health Sciences

Well-illustrated examples in the literature include the interaction of benzodiazepines and nefazodone symptoms stiff neck buy discount prothiaden 75 mg line. Other factors may contribute to alterations in the hepatic metabolism of lidocaine symptoms intestinal blockage discount prothiaden 75 mg visa. Park et al23 described a decrease in overall P450 activity with aging that was likely a result of decreased blood flow to the liver 25 medications to know for nclex order prothiaden 75mg otc. Lidocaine - like many cardiac medications such as verapamil treatment knee pain generic prothiaden 75mg with visa, nifedipine, and propranolol - can contribute to a decrease in hepatic blood flow. Medical conditions associated with reduced hepatic blood flow, such as decreased cardiac output with congestive heart failure or shock, will also decrease lidocaine clearance. The interplay of this enzyme system and the development of drug toxicity are complex and subject to marked variability. Many factors influence the effect of the P450 system; these factors may subsequently enhance the tendency toward drug toxicity. It is important to obtain a complete preoperative history that includes all medications. Medications that a patient may consider innocuous have the potential to greatly increase surgical risk. Although lidocaine dosages as high as 50 mg/kg have been shown to be safe, particular attention must be paid both to patient medications and to anesthetic choices when such high dosages are used. Tumescent technique for local anesthesia improves safety in large-volume liposuction. Plasma Concentrations of lidocaine and alpha-1 glycoprotein during and after breast augmentation. A case of lidocaine absorption from topical administration of 40% lidocaine cream. The P450 superfamily: update on new sequences, gene mapping, accession numbers, early trivial names of enzymes, and nomenclature. Conclusion Tumescent lipoplasty can have adverse outcomes because of lidocaine-related drug interactions. The P450 310 Aesthetic Surgery Journal ~ July/August 2004 Volume 24, Number 4 Scientific Forum 14. Lidocaine toxicity with tumescent liposuction: a case report of probable drug interactions. Coadministration of nefazadone and benzodiazepines: a pharmacokinetic interaction study with alprazolam. The role of cytochrome P450 enzymes in hepatic and extrahepatic human drug toxicity. Bill, Clayman, Morgan, and Gampper are to be congratulated for alerting us to a drug interaction that might increase the potential for toxicity during tumescent lipoplasty with lidocaine. The report is a reminder that we need to be fully aware of all the factors that influence the choice of patient, drug, and dose for any interventional procedure. Their recommendation that some medications be discontinued 2 weeks before surgery may be helpful for some patients; however, the report omits several critically important points about the potential toxicity of lidocaine in the outpatient setting. As the authors note, the safe dose of lidocaine for tumescent lipoplasty has never been established. We do know from case reports2 that death has occurred after lipoplasty; a survey of plastic surgeons suggests that from 1994 to 1998, this risk was at least 1 in 5000 cases. It would seem far better to use a minimum rather than a maximum dose, since it is likely that the patient will not be in a position to be observed or resuscitated at the time of peak potential for toxicity. The implication by Bill et al that toxicity can be reduced by avoiding drug interactions begs a more obvious question: Should we use a dose range so near a toxic level that unanticipated drug interaction could precipitate a catastrophic adverse event? The authors also discuss the metabolism of lidocaine and drug interactions involving P450 3A4 isoforms. Although such a discussion would potentially be of value, unfortunately in this case the information they provided is scientifically inaccurate, the role of P450 3A4 and attendant drug interactions is misconstrued, and consequently the resultant clinical recommendations are unfounded. This error may have arisen, in part, from reliance on incorrect information on drug metabolism in the dermatologic or plastic surgery literature, and from the absence of a clinical pharmacologist on the team of authors.

These findings parallel those in the general population of parous women who have not had a recognized tear (44 treatment plantar fasciitis prothiaden 75mg free shipping, 56 treatment wasp stings purchase prothiaden 75mg with visa, 57) medications with sulfa 75 mg prothiaden. Eogan et al (58) found in a study of women 10 treatment ringworm purchase prothiaden 75mg on-line, 20 and 30 years following delivery that onset of menopause was the most significant determent of symptoms, whereas Mous et al (59) found the incidence of incontinence increased with age irrespective of menopausal status. Fornell et al (60) found that subjective and objective anal function after anal sphincter injury deteriorates with time and subsequent deliveries. Summary: Primary anal sphincter repair should be undertaken by an experienced operator under optimal conditions. Following obstetric injury, management of subsequent deliveries should take account of patient symptoms and preferences as well as obstetric factors. Sphincteroplasty the term "anal sphincteroplasty" is used to describe secondary or delayed reconstruction of the anal sphincter musculature, injury to which has either not been recognised at the time of injury or when the outcome of primary repair has been unsatisfactory. Delayed sphincteroplasty is usually performed a minimum duration of three months after the initial injury. Anterior sphincteroplasty is the most common type of reconstruction performed because of the association with obstetric injury. In this situation, the anal sphincter muscles and perineal body have separated leaving a horseshoe type configuration to the anal sphincter mechanism, with a large defect in the anterior quadrant. Occasionally, the defect is such that the anal and vaginal mucosae have healed to form a cloacal defect. Anal sphincter defects related to previous anal fistula surgery or direct trauma are usually less complex and are not associated with a deficient perineum unless there has been an avulsion injury with significant tissue loss. The decision to perform anal sphincteroplasty is based on an assessment of symptoms and the anatomical extent of the sphincter defect (62). The results from objective measurement techniques should be applied with caution in the assessment of faecal incontinence as they are often inadequate in determining the presence and/or severity of the condition. The American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons considers as having a surgical indication those symptomatic patients with localised anal sphincter defects, without defining exactly the minimum size of the injury detected as indication for this surgery (66). Pelvic floor electrophysiological assessment, while not essential, if performed, should be comprehensive and not confined to measurement of pudendal nerve terminal motor latency (68). For symptomatic patients with a less than one quadrant anal sphincter defect, a trial of dietary modification, stool regulating drugs and physiotherapy is appropriate. Anal sphincter exercises (pelvic floor muscle training) and biofeedback therapy have been used to treat the symptoms of people with faecal incontinence. However, standards of treatment are still lacking and the magnitude of alleged benefits has yet to be established. A recent Cochrane review concluded that while some elements of biofeedback therapy and sphincter exercises may have a therapeutic effect, this is not certain. Preoperative counselling should identify post-operative wound healing as the most common difficulty. The majority of patients can expect significant improvement in continence after the procedure with a mean of 66% reporting excellent or good results in the short term (62), however, the long-term outcome is not satisfactory, decreasing to between 30-80% at 80 months and to 6% at 120 months. Concomitant repair of a cloacal defect or vaginal fistula should be undertaken (70, 71). The results of anal sphincteroplasty in recent series reporting more than 50 patients are given in Table 1. Anal sphincteroplasty can be performed in the lithotomy position or the prone jack-knife position. Full bowel preparation is not needed, although most would give a cleansing enema pre-operatively. If anterior levatorplasty or rectocele repair is contemplated, a posterior fourchette incision with the patient in the lithotomy position may have advantages (81). There has been one small randomised trial of direct versus overlapping sphincteroplasty which showed similar outcomes (91). To prevent dehiscence and subsequent failure, the two divided ends of the external sphincters must have an adequate blood supply and the reconstructive suture cannot be under excessive tension. Anterior levatorplasty may be performed in conjunction with external anal sphincter repair (94, 95) or as an isolated procedure (79, 96). No technique has shown superiority and it is possible that the operative technique should be individualised to the particular patient (97). Early failure is usually associated with a persisting defect identified using endoanal ultrasound (100).

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