Angelo Cuzalina, MD, DDS

  • Private Practice - Tulsa Surgical Arts
  • President, American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery 2011
  • Chairman, AACS Cosmetic Surgery Fellowship Program
  • Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor of Surgery, Oklahoma
  • State University
  • Tulsa, Oklahoma

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Peak buprenorphine plasma concentrations occur 12 hours after implant insertion, slowly decrease, and reach steady-state concentrations in about 4 weeks. Steady-state concentrations are comparable to trough buprenorphine plasma levels produced by daily sublingual buprenorphine doses of 8 mg or less. Both are stored refrigerated in prefilled syringes with safety needles and administered by subcutaneous injection in the abdomen. The first two monthly doses recommended are 300 mg each followed by a 100 mg monthly maintenance dose. After discontinuation, patients may have detectable plasma levels of buprenorphine for 12 months or longer. Through cross-tolerance and mu-opioid receptor occupancy, at adequate doses, buprenorphine reduces opioid withdrawal and craving and blunts the effects of illicit opioids. Buprenorphine binds tightly to the mu-opioid receptor because of its particularly high receptor affinity. The net result is a blunting or blocking of the euphoria, respiratory depression, and other effects of these opioids. Buprenorphine has less potential to cause respiratory depression, given its ceiling effect. Once reaching a moderate dose, its effects no longer increase if the dose is increased. For example, the mean time to maximum plasma buprenorphine concentration after a single sublingual dose ranges from 40 minutes to 3. Buprenorphine has a long elimination half-life, which varies from 24 to 69 hours240 with a mean half-life of 24 to 42 hours. Buprenorphine can be safely dosed (even at double the stabilized dose) less than daily. Such schedules may also be useful for patients who must spend weekends in jails that disallow buprenorphine dosing. Bioavailability Buprenorphine has poor oral compared with sublingual and buccal bioavailability. Naloxone, a shortacting mu-opioid receptor antagonist, has very poor oral, sublingual, and buccal bioavailability but is absorbed when injected or snorted. In the Suboxone formulation of buprenorphine/naloxone, the ratio of buprenorphine to naloxone is 4:1. The ratio of buprenorphine to naloxone varies across products, as the absorption of both active ingredients is different for buccal versus sublingual films versus tablets. When a patient takes these formulations as prescribed, he or she absorbs buprenorphine but only a biologically negligible amount of naloxone. It also induces opioid withdrawal in people who are physically dependent on opioids. This reduces misuse liability compared with transmucosal formulations with buprenorphine alone. These concentrations are approximately equivalent to 8 mg or less of the buprenorphine sublingual formulations. Extended-release buprenorphine for subcutaneous injection releases buprenorphine over at least a 1month period. After injection, an initial buprenorphine plasma level peaks around 24 hours and then slowly declines to a plateau. Coadministration of other medications metabolized along this pathway can affect the rate of buprenorphine metabolism. Buprenorphine has fewer clinically relevant drug interactions than methadone in general. For detailed explanations of metabolism and excretion, see the package inserts for each buprenorphine product. Formulations are available as sublingual tablets and film, buccal film, implants, and extended-release injection (Exhibit 3A. Contraindications Buprenorphine is contraindicated in patients who are allergic to it. Patients with true allergic reactions to naloxone should not be treated with the combination buprenorphine/naloxone product. Some patients may falsely or mistakenly claim an allergy to naloxone and request buprenorphine monoproduct. Carefully assess such claims and explain the differences between an allergic reaction and symptoms of opioid withdrawal precipitated by buprenorphine or naloxone; the monoproduct has more abuse liability than buprenorphine/naloxone. Call 9-1-1 so the child can go to the nearest emergency department for immediate medical attention. A multisite randomized trial of hepatic effects in patients taking methadone or buprenorphine found no evidence of liver damage in the first 6 months of treatment. The authors concluded that prescribing these medications should not cause major concern for liver injury. For monoproduct, consider halving the starting and titration doses used in patients with normal liver function; monitor for signs and symptoms of toxicity or overdose caused by increased buprenorphine levels. Concurrent use of illicit drugs, other prescribed medications, or medical or psychiatric comorbidity can affect cognition and psychomotor performance. It has weaker opioid agonist effects and stronger receptor affinity than full agonists. The higher the level of physical dependence, the higher the likelihood of precipitating withdrawal. The longer the time since the last dose, the lower the likelihood of precipitated withdrawal. The smaller the dose of buprenorphine, the less likely it is to precipitate withdrawal. Monitor responses to buprenorphine in patients taking nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors. Rifampin produced opioid withdrawal in 50 percent of research volunteers with opioid dependence. Serotonin syndrome can occur with simultaneous opioid and antidepressant treatment.

Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in the acquired immunodefiPara M F erectile dysfunction 30 years old malegra fxt 140 mg visa, Finkelstein D can erectile dysfunction cause infertility buy 140mg malegra fxt otc, Becker S erectile dysfunction with normal testosterone levels order malegra fxt with a mastercard, Dohn M erectile dysfunction doctors staten island buy discount malegra fxt on line, Walawander A, Black ciency syndrome. Review Schneider M M, Hoepelman A I, Eeftinck Schattenkerk J K, Nielsen of 53 cases. T L, van der Graaf Y, Frissen J P, van der Ende I M, Kolsters Phair J, Munoz A, Detels R, Kaslow R, Rinaldo C, Saah A. A controlled trial of aerosolized pentamidine of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia among men infected with huor trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole as primary prophylaxis man immunodeficiency virus type 1. Sputum examination for the diagnosis of Pneumocystis carinii Shelhamer J H, Ognibene F P, Macher A M, Tuazon C, Steiss R, pneumonia in the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Persistence of Pneumocystis carinii Podzamczer D, Salazar A, Jimenez J, Consiglio E, Santin M, in lung tissue of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome patients Casanova A, Rufi G, Gudiol F. Single and combined humoral and cellStringer S L, Hudson K, Blase M A, Walzer P D, Cushion M T, mediated immunotherapy of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in Stringer J R. K, Beck Y, Inoue S, Watanabe K, Nakayama Y, Sato K, Otsubo Ruf B, Rohde I, Pohle H D. Improved survival of renal-allograft recipients with Pneumosus trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole in primary treatment of Pneucystis carinii pneumonia by early diagnosis and treatment. Panel for Corticosteroids as Adjunctive Therapy for PneumocysSafrin S, Sattler F R, Lee B L, Young T, Bill R, Boylan C T, Mills J. Consensus statement on the use of corticosteroids Dapsone as a single agent is suboptimal therapy for Pneumocysas adjunctive therapy for Pneumocystis pneumonia in the acPneumocystosis 419 quired immunodeficiency syndrome. Possia native of the Amazon Valley who had numerous ble reasons for an increased frequency of unusual funplaques and nodules in the lumbo-sacral region. His gal infections include increasing numbers of patients disease had slowly progressed for 19 years. Based on with immunosuppression, and increases in environclinical and histologic findings of the case, Lobo bemental exposures. This chapter focuses on unusual and lieved that the etiologic fungus was similar to Pararare yeast and mould organisms and their disease coccidioides brasiliensis, and referred to the infection manifestations. Lesions occur on Finally, rhinosporidiosis is discussed, although recent cool, exposed areas such as the feet, legs, ears, arms, evidence indicates that the causative agent, Rhielbows, and less frequently the face. Lesions can be lonosporidium seeberi, should no longer be classified as calized or disseminated throughout the skin, resulting a fungus. A single case has been described which suggests visceral involvement (Monteiro-Gei, 1971). Lobomycosis usually begins as a well-circumscribed, the agent of lobomycosis, now referred to as Lacazia indurated papule, and as the cutaneous disease proloboi (Taborda et al, 1999), is a yeast-like organism in gresses, the lesions enlarge and new lesions appear. Dolphins Nodular lesions are most frequent, although macules, (Tursiops truncatus and Sotalia fluviatilis) are the only papules, plaques, ulcers, and verrucous lesions may be nonhuman hosts that acquire natural infection (Migaki present (See Color Fig. Generally, the disease is inLobomycosis occurs in tropical and subtropical forests, sidious, and may progess over a period of 50 or more and has been reported in South, Central, and North years (Pradinaud, 1998). The Diagnosis of lobomycosis is based on clinical features majority of cases are from the Brazilian and Colomof the skin lesions and histologic examination with spebian Amazonian regions; only recently has a case from cial stains of tissues; the organism has not yet been culthe United States been described (Burns et al, 2000). Most infections ocmacrophages and giant cells may ingest the fungi cur on the skin in areas exposed to trauma, suggesting (Kwon-Chung and Bennett, 1992; Rodriguez-Toro, that the organism is present in soil or on vegetation 1993). An aquatic source is also is yeast-like, lemon-shaped, and forms beads joined tolikely, based on reported infections among dolphins gether by thin bridges (See Color Fig. The patient improved with amphotericin B and Therapy of lobomycosis is difficult, and treatment itraconazole, but later died of bacterial pneumonia and with amphotericin B, ketoconazole, trimethoprim, and sepsis. Coprinus cinereus was the caustive agent in a flucytosine has been tried but is often of little benefit well-documented case of aortic valve endocarditis (Lawrence and Ajello, 1986; Caceres and Rodriguez(Speller and MacIver, 1971). For small cinereus, but the patient died during valve replacement skin lesions, cryosurgery or electrosurgery may be cursurgery and was not treated. Clofazamine has been used with some success in chopneumonia in a leukemic patient was attributed addition to surgery (Talhari, 1981; Burns et al, 2000). For early lesions, surgical removal may be effective cinereus (Verweij et al, 1997). The patient failed to re(Baruzzi et al, 1981), but in chronic cases relapse after spond to therapy with amphotericin B and itraconasurgery is frequent (Baruzzi et al, 1979; Caceres and zole, and died of respiratory failure. Amphotericin B has been effective in several the basidiomycetes, comprising mushrooms and toadcases, either as single therapy, or in combination with stools, are distributed widely in nature, with over itraconazole (Greer and Bolanos, 1973; Restrepo et al, 16,000 recognized species (Hawksworth et al, 1983). Azole agents, particularly Basidiomycetes are common plant pathogens or soil itraconazole and fluconazole, as single therapy have saprophytes, but rarely cause invasive disease in huachieved mixed results (Marlier et al, 1993; Kamei et mans (Greer, 1978). In four cases of sinusitis, surgical therapy creasingly recognized as pathogens, their identification alone was curative (Kern and Uecker, 1986; Catalano is problematic (Sigler and Abbott, 1997a). Recently, susceptination of infected tissues, septate, hyaline hyphae are bility data have been reported for approved and invesseen, and may be confused with those of Aspergillus tigational antifungal drugs against a large number of species (Sigler et al, 1999). Frequently, cultures of tisbasidiomycetes, several of which caused invasive infecsue specimens show initial hyphal growth but are diftion (Gonzalez et al, 2001). Less common, but emerging, data and clinical efficacy is as yet unknown, but may pathogens include Schizophyllum commune, Coprinus become important as basidiomycete infections appear species, Hormographiella aspergillata, and Ustilago to be emerging. Few cases of confirmed invasive infection due to baAdiaspiromycosis sidiomyctes, other than those of Filobasidella neoforAdiaspiromycosis is an unusual pulmonary mycosis mans, exist in the literature, but cases and identification that affects man and animals, but is most common in of isolates as basidiomycetes appear to be increasing rodents. Schizophyllum commune, one of the conidia of the mould Emmonsia parva (recently named more common pathogens, has been reported as causChrysosporium parvum). Two varieties of this organing a palatal ulcer that was treated successfully with ism have been shown to be pathogens: E. Since the initial desistence of disease, or involvement of organs other than scription, more than 40 human cases have been relung, surgical intervention may be required for cure ported worldwide (England and Hochholzer, 1993). Pulmonary disease is most common, although adiaspiromycosis involving other organs, including periRhinosporidiosis toneum, skin, and bone, has been described (Kamalam Rhinosporidiosis is a chronic granulomatous infection and Thambiah, 1979; Echavarria et al, 1993; Turner of the mucous membranes characterized by the formaet al, 1999). The etiologic infection in 11 cases of pulmonary adiaspiromycosis agent is Rhinosporidium seeberi, which has tradition(England and Hochholzer, 1993). Lung infection can ally been regarded as a fungus on the basis of morbe localized (few adiaspores limited to a segment or phologic and histochemical characteristics. Although lobe of lung), or disseminated (bilateral disease with recent evidence suggests that the organism may be a multiple adiaspores). Because the inhaled conidia do protistan parasite (Herr et al, 1999; Fredricks et al, not multiply but only enlarge in tissues, severity of dis2000), rhinosporidiosis is considered here. Animal inease and extent of infection may be related to the inifections have occurred, as evidenced by a recent detial inoculum of inhaled conidia (Peres et al, 1992; Engscription of rhinosporidiosis in a domestic cat (Wallin land and Hochholzer, 1993). Rhinosporidiosis has a worldwide distriIn patients with localized lung disease, adiaspiromybution, but most of the reported cases have occurred cosis is often an incidental finding in asymptomatic in India or Sri Lanka (Amesur, 1949; Karunaratne, patients. Other geographic regions with a significant cough, dyspnea, asthenia, and fever are more frequently number of reported cases include areas of South Amerseen (Filho et al, 1990; England and Hochholzer, ica and Africa (Owor and Wamucota, 1978). Physical examination is often normal, but may the first description of rhinosporidiosis was by Malreveal basilar crackles on auscultation. In patients with bran in 1892, after examination of a nasal polyp redisseminated disease, radiographic studies may reveal vealed infection by a parasite. In 1900, Guillermo Seea reticulonodular pattern similar to that seen with milber, for whom the organism is named, described the iary tuberculosis (England and Hochholzer, 1993). Diagnosis of adiaspiromycosis is based on histoSince the initial description, approximately 2000 cases pathologic examination of lung tissue. Disorganism is difficult, and sputum or bronchoalveolar ease favors a male predominance (4:1), and usually aflavage specimens are rarely culture positive in patients fects those between 15 and 40 years of age.

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Standardization of fiow cytometry in mydysplastic syndromes among United States Medicare beneelodysplastic syndromes: a report from an internationficiaries. Risk stratification based on both disease status and extra-hematologic comorbidities in pa16. Guidelines for the diagnosis and therapy of adult prognosis in myelodysplastic syndromes. Ramos F, Fernandez-Ferrero S, Suarez D, Barbon M, RodriPascutto C, Invernizzi R, et al. Myelodysplastic syndrome: a search scoring system for predicting survival and leukemic evolufor minimal diagnostic criteria. Two regression models and a scoring system sis and treatment of the myelodysplastic syndromes: Confor predicting survival and planning treatment in myelodyssensus statements and report from a working conference. 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Supportive care, elodysplastic syndrome in the elderly: comprehensive gegrowth factors, and new therapies in myelodysplastic synriatric assessment and therapeutic recommendations. Lower-extremity function in persons over the age of 70 and quality of life in myelodysplastic syndrome. American Society of Anesthesiologists Task Force on Blood as a predictor of adverse outcomes in community-dwellComponent Therapy. Practice guidelines for blood compoing older people an International Academy on Nutrition nent therapy. A short portable mental status questionnaire for British Committee for Standards in Haematology, Blood the assessment of organic brain deficit in elderly patients. Screening for depression in elderly primary care pasubcutaneous recombinant human erythropoietin in patients. A comparison of the Center for Epidemiologic Studtients with low-risk myelodysplastic syndromes. Cooperative Study Group for rHuEpo in Myelodysplastic Arch Intern Med 1997; 157 (4): 449-54. Casadevall N, Durieux P, Dubois S, Hemery F, Lepage E, depression predict mortalityfi Comprehensive gefactor for the treatment of myelodysplastic syndromes: a riatric assessment adds information to Eastern Cooperarandomized, controlled trial. A new colony-stimulating factor: results of a prospective randommethod of classifying prognostic comorbidity in longitudiized phase 3 trial by the Eastern Cooperative Oncology nal studies: development and validation. Treatment of the anemia of myelodysplasmyeloid leukemia or myelodysplasia receiving allogeneic tic syndromes using recombinant human granulocyte colohematopoietic cell transplantation. Ramos F, Pedro C, de Paz R, Insunza A, Tormo M, Diezsynergistically improve the anaemia in patients with myCampelo M, Xicoy B, Salido E, Sanchez del Real J, Areelodysplastic syndromes. Imamura M, Kobayashi M, Kobayashi S, Yoshida K, Mikual of patients with myelodysplastic syndromes: A prospecni C, Ishikawa Y, et al. Failure of combination therapy with haematologica/edicion espanola | 2012; 97 (Supl. Maintenance treatment of the anemia of ed with improved survival in myelodysplastic syndrome. Park S, Grabar S, Kelaidi C, Beyne-Rauzy O, Picard F, Barevidence for in vivo synergy. Stasi R, Brunetti M, Bussa S, Conforti M, di Giulio C, myelodysplastic syndrome treated with erythropoietin and Crescenzi A, et al. Treatment of anemia in myny stimulating factor, is associated with a longer survival in elodysplastic syndromes with granulocyte colony-stimpatients with transfusion-dependent myelodysplastic synulating factor plus erythropoietin: results from a randomdromes. Musto P, Lanza F, Balleari E, Grossi A, Falcone A, SanBlood 1998; 92 (1): 68-75. The Darbepoetin alfa for the treatment of anemic patients with Spanish Erythropathology Group. Terpos E, Mougiou A, Kouraklis A, Chatzivassili A, Michanemia in patients with myelodysplastic syndromes. Musto P, Falcone A, Sanpaolo G, Bodenizza C, La Sala A, diate-1 risk myelodysplastic syndromes. Impact of a new dosing regimen of treatment of anemia in patients with low-risk myelodysepoetin alfa on quality of life and anemia in patients with plastic syndromes. Efficacy of erythropoietin in the mythe effectiveness of darbepoetin alfa for correcting anaemia elodysplastic syndromes: a meta-analysis of 205 patients in patients with myelodysplastic syndromes. Clinical use of erythropoietic stimulating agents Erythropoiesis-stimulating agents in the treatment of anein myelodysplastic syndromes. Br J Haematol 2003; receptor agonist romiplostim in thrombocytopenic patients 120 (6): 1037-46. Iron-chelating therapy and Society of Clinical Oncology and the American Society of the treatment of thalassemia. Best Pract Res Clin Haegy/American Society of Clinical Oncology clinical practice matol 2005; 18 (2): 277-87. Changes in parameters of oxidative use of hematopoietic growth factors in myelodysplastic stress and free iron biomarkers during treatment with desyndromes. Blood liver iron concentration and cardiac response in a defer2006; 108 (2): 419-25. Takatoku M, Uchiyama T, Okamoto S, Kanakura Y, Sawapreferentially stimulates proliferation of monosomy 7 cells da K, Tomonaga M, et al. Myocardial iron overload assessment by T2* transfusions in adults with acute myeloid leukemia. Safety and efficacy of romiplostim in vival and leukemic evolution in patients with myelodyspatients with lower-risk myelodysplastic syndrome and plastic syndrome. Leukemia 2008; 22 ing the long-term safety and efficacy of romiplostim in (3): 538-43.

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Their children are also at greater risk of maltreatment erectile dysfunction shake recipe purchase malegra fxt online now, child abuse and being developmentally delayed erectile dysfunction treatment for heart patients discount 140 mg malegra fxt visa. Principles to underpin good clinical practice Y Welcoming diversity of family forms as a strength will reduce discrimination and enhance community cohesion erectile dysfunction treatment aids order genuine malegra fxt line, ultimately reducing the risk of negative stigma impacting on the child does erectile dysfunction cause premature ejaculation order cheap malegra fxt line. Principles to underpin good clinical practice Y Providing support for the foster parents is key in promoting the ongoing placement of the foster child which will provide greater stability and improved health outcomes. Evidence suggests that parents with intellectual disability can provide adequate parenting when appropriate supports are in place and the child is likely to develop in line with their peers from similar sociodemographic backgrounds. Under these conditions children may be emotionally or physically compromised with some children developing a carer role to the parent, or developing behavioural problems. Ensure families have appropriate information for afer-hours breast feeding support, services / help lines. Evidence suggests that parents with intellectual disability can provide adequate parenting when appropriate supports are in place and the child is likely to develop in line with their peers from similar socio-demographic backgrounds. Principles to underpin good clinical practice Y Families with disability ofen have an associated low income. Promoting and supporting breast feeding will result in improved health outcomes as well as lessening the fnancial burden. Obesity in these areas is a greater risk with 27% of children living outside a major city aged 5-14 years being overweight or obese compared to 21%. Principles to underpin good clinical practice Y Review immunisation history and promote a catch up schedule if necessary, as soon as possible. Tobacco use is the risk factor associated with the highest disease burden in Australia. These may include poor feeding, vomiting, frantic / uncoordinated sucking, tremors, irritability, high pitched cry, temperature instability, and disrupted sleep patterns. Principles to underpin good clinical practice Y Build a professional, trusting and empathetic relationship that encourages a continuation of health care. The health care professional should obtain information about family smoking, alcohol consumption and use of other substances (cannabis, stimulants, opioids, inhalants and un-prescribed benzodiazepines) during pregnancy and any current use. Ensure families have information for afer-hours breastfeeding support services / help lines. Experiencing, hearing or seeing the impact of family violence can impact on infants and children in a broad range of physical, emotional and behavioural ways. In Queensland, it is recommended that a domestic violence screen is undertaken at the frst visit as part of the family health assessment. Principles to underpin good clinical practice Y Home-visiting programs for these families has proven to be efective in improving health outcomes. See previous section Y Promote parental wellbeing by ofering psychosocial support strategies including: z Discussion around parental post-natal feelings. Child and Youth Health Practice Manual 155 Section 2 Birth to fve years Y If a parent is sufering a mental illness this may impact on their availability to their child as well as their consistency in parenting behaviours that support child-parental attachment. Children with parents sufering from a mental illness are more likely to have an altered attachment, socioemotional and behavioural problems. Principles to underpin good clinical practice Y Work in partnership with the family to establish a professional, trusting and empathetic relationship that encourages an ongoing plan for health care. This will include family history of mental illness, current emotional health issues, relationship between parents and how these factors are impacting on the child. These have proven benefts on depression, anxiety, stress, confdence and satisfaction with the partner relationship. If assessment identifes acute mental health concerns the health care professional should stay engaged with the client and seek further support from their acute mental health service provider. This enables the child health professional to partner with the family and additional higher level services specifc to the needs of the child and family1. This section identifes higher level and specialty services that are available to families who have additional needs and some of the needs whereby children and families may require a higher level of intervention. This section also outlines how child health professionals work with families with identifed needs. The healthcare context A comprehensive family health assessment will provide the foundation for ongoing care. When additional needs are identifed by the child health professional one of two processes will be undertaken according to clinical judgement and the clinical context: 1. Immediate action will be required in the event that an acute health issue is identifed by the child health professional, for example: Y concerns for the immediate safety of the child/family. In situations such as these, the child health professional will take immediate action to alert the relevant emergency services (ambulance, police, acute mental health services, etc. Refer to Primary Clinical Care Manual Topics: Patient assessment, Emergencies Child and Youth Health Practice Manual 157 Section 2 Birth to fve years Home visiting Evidence-based home visiting programs provide the opportunity for families with identifed needs to access tailored services within their home. Families are more likely to actively engage in service provision over a number of visits when it is delivered in their home 52,55,56. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families are ofered a culturally appropriate model of home visiting. Case management Y To manage and coordinate service provision for families with identifed needs where a number of health care providers are involved, a case manager may be assigned to the family to coordinate the overall care. This model of care has demonstrated a more efective approach with a greater chance of the needs of the family being met 177. This includes: z from the community to hospital and back to community afer birth or inpatient events z between general practitioners, agencies and other services z for children placed with diferent carers z between health care professionals in the same organisation z during other events, such as an admission to parenting centres Y Ideally a care plan will be developed in partnership with the family across the continuum of care176. The team views the child as the centre of care but utilises a partnership and family focussed approach to engage and work with families. A long-stay program (usually 11 days) for families with highly complex needs, for example: parents with mental illness, disability or engagement with child protection services. Shorter, more frequent feeds may be needed until the baby gains weight and matures. Child and Youth Health Practice Manual 159 Section 2 Birth to fve years Clinical practice points Y Breast feeding is especially important for premature infants in supporting gut development and reducing rates of infection. Additional vaccination may be prescribed depending on the degree of prematurity. Higher level services Y Case management strategies may include: z Additional breast feeding support may be required with supporting the mother and infant to transition to fully breast feeding. Clinical practice points Y Additional parental support may be required due to the ongoing stressors of parenting an unsettled infant. Higher level services Y Case management strategies may include: z Consider risk of impaired parenting z Parents may need to work through range of psychological tasks in relation to their parenting experience and expectations. See previous section that the parent will undertake to ensure the child remains safe (and other children) whilst the parent accesses additional supports 191. Higher level services Y It is not an emergency plan for the health care professional to follow. Case management strategies may include: Discussions between health professionals and families in the antenatal period and during early parenting Y Work in partnership with other health care professionals. A formal safety plan should begin promptly when a risk for child neglect or abuse is identifed ideally during Y Consider risk of impaired parenting the family health assessment process. It is much more likely that a safety plan will be efective and useful when it is created by the parent/s inAdditional parental support may be required to work this through with parents. Clinical practice points Y Conduct a comprehensive family health assessment to identify specifc needs of the individual child / family, this should include: z Dietary intake, what and how much z Cultural and social context of meal times z Impact of family budget on foods z Impact of rural environment on food choices 164 Child and Youth Health Practice Manual 2014 Section 2 Birth to fve years z Child sleep patterns (poor sleep can disturb metabolic processes and disrupt appetite control) z Child activity assessment. Ensure families have information for afer-hours breast feeding support services / help lines (see previous section).

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In adults, the disturbance is manifested by preoccupation with getting rid of primary and secondary sexual characteristics and the request for hormone therapy or surgery or other means of simulating the required gender (Green, 2000). So, genuinely, I am a woman I am not against homosexuals although I am not one myself. The difference of self-image from the biological sex is usually, in their own account, clearly established before puberty. Blanchard in a series of papers (1989, 1991, 1993) proposed that individuals presenting with male-to-female transsexualism and were characterized as having autogynephilia (sexually aroused by the thought or image of themselves as women) were distinct from others who were homosexual in orientation. Structural imaging has demonstrated increased cortical thickness in male-to-female transsexuals but the signifcance of these fndings is yet to be determined (Luders et al. Notwithstanding the fact that the biological basis of transsexualism is yet to be elucidated, what is incontrovertible is that the dissatisfaction with the body and with secondary sexual characteristics and genitalia is rooted in brain mechanisms that underlie gender identity. Once again, it is the subjective aspects, the effect on self-image, that concerns us here and not the physical aspects. Both in Europe and in North America, the prevalence of obesity has increased considerably since the mid-1970s. Between 1976 and 1980 in the United States of America, 15 per cent of the adult population aged 20 to 74 were obese, whereas by 2003 to 2004 the prevalence had risen to 33 per cent. These trends are also replicated in Europe (World Health Organization Regional Offce for Europe). Obesity is defned as a body mass index of greater than 30 kilograms per metre squared; being overweight is a body mass index of between 25 and 29. The concern about obesity derives from the associated health risks; hyperlipidaemia, insulin resistance, diabetes, hypertension, morbidity and premature death are recognized complications. Thus, there are national and international health programmes to combat the apparent unrelenting rise in the prevalence of obesity. Obesity in adolescents in diet-conscious Western societies results in self-loathing and self-denigration. The presence of any physical deformity at this stage of life is likely to provoke revulsion from the self-image; individuals feel especially physically loathsome with regard to the opposite sex. There is also present a distortion of body size in that they often overestimate their size. This is interesting in comparison with anorexia nervosa patients, who also often overestimate their size and whose behaviour of dieting and food rejection may start when they are mildly obese at the time of puberty. Anorexia Nervosa this is a condition that in the past was misplaced diagnostically; initially, sufferers were usually thought to be physically ill. Anorexia nervosa is an illness that occurs mainly in young women; the proportion of male cases seen ranges from one in 20 to about one in ten in different series (Dally and Gomez, 1979) and the proportion of boys is higher in childhood. It has been considered by Crisp (1975) that the disorder is primarily a weight phobia, a fear of increasing body weight, and not only a feeding disorder similar to those of childhood. Prominent is the fear of loss of control; if one eats normally, one will be unable to stop and therefore become fat. As well as an abnormal self-image, there are also abnormal attitudes towards food, gender and sex. The other features are: body weight at least 15 per cent below that expected weight loss is self-induced amenorrhoea delayed or arrested puberty. Anorexia nervosa became more common in the United Kingdom in the latter part of the twentieth century (Kendell et al. This apparent difference in prevalence suggests that it may well be linked to social attitudes towards thinness, dieting and slimming. In the Western world, slimness is regarded as beautiful, and dieting may become a social norm that acts as a persuasive pressure on an impressionable adolescent female whose body weight has increased a little more than average at puberty. If there are other psychological diffculties and social conficts, the slimming may get out of control. In other parts of the world, where the aesthetic norms of feminine beauty are based on a fulsome body, the pressure towards thinness is less but the pressure towards obesity may be greater. Even in Western society, the prevalence of anorexia nervosa is not uniform within society but rather is determined by gender, age, socioeconomic class and ethnicity. Patients with anorexia nervosa often deny their thinness and sometimes claim to be too fat. Because of their extreme concern over their physical size and weight, a technique was devised by Slade and Russell (1973) to investigate bodily perception in anorexics. This involved comparing real size in subjects (measured by an anthropometer) and perceived size, which was measured by the observer moving horizontal lights to a distance that the subject estimated as the width across four body regions: face, chest, waist and hips. When compared with an age-matched normal control group, anorexic patients signifcantly overestimated their own perceived width at all regions, with the face being overestimated by more than 50 per cent. Although actually thinner at the chest, waist and hips, anorexic patients saw themselves as fatter than normal women. They tended to overestimate the width of other people, but not by as much as themselves. The body image distortion tended to lessen as patients put on weight, especially if they did so slowly. This fnding has now been confrmed in a large meta-analysis by Cash and Deagle (1997). Body image disturbance does not appear to be associated with other features of either anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa and does not help to differentiate normal women from patients with eating disorder. Furthermore, attitudinal body dissatisfaction as measured by questionnaires or self: ideal discrepancy best differentiated the patients from the normal controls. Thus, the role of perceptual size estimation inaccuracy, the formal measure of body image distortion, as a diagnostic criterion of anorexia nervosa has to be called into question. Slade (1988) has also shown that non-anorexic subjects overestimate the dimensions of their body, especially normal females, neurotic subjects, those who are pregnant and patients with secondary amenorrhoea. He has contrasted the use of full body techniques (with distorting mirrors, photographs, television images) for investigating this with part of body methods (visual size estimation, callipers), and has shown that relatively fxed cognitive attitudes towards body size with the former demonstrate irrational beliefs about body shape, while a more fuid state of the estimation of body size depends more on emotional factors that change over time. They showed that the actual: ideal discrepancy correlated with body shape dissatisfaction. The actual: ought discrepancy was associated with what they described as anorexic-related attitudes and behaviours and actual: ideal discrepancy with bulimic-related attitudes and behaviours. Moore (1988) surveyed 854 females aged between 12 and 23 years from outpatient clinics; 67 per cent were found to be dissatisfed with their weight and 54 per cent with their shape. They found that women desire to be thinner than they think they are, and that women with eating disorders desire to be thinner than that degree of thinness that they think that men will fnd attractive. Supported by these studies is the fnding of a clear association between body image disturbance and eating disorder. This is related inversely to weight, that is, the lower the weight the greater the degree of body image abnormality. Thus, in general, those with anorexia are more affected than those with bulimia nervosa. There is evidence that body dissatisfaction is prevalent in females across different ethnic groups in the same country and across national boundaries (Baillie and Copeland, 2013; Angelova and Utermohlen, 2013; Demuth et al.

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