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The specific practical advice and constructive feedback we received throughout the standards review process were extremely useful and resulted in significant and substantial revisions. One outstanding area of concern was the anticipated cost of some changes required by the standards as originally drafted. Although concerns about cost are understandable, Congress, State legislatures, and county and city officials must provide adequate resources to ensure safe correctional and detention facilities. The Commission acknowledges that this is a formidable task, especially in the current economic climate. From the outset, we have been mindful of the statutory prohibition against recommending standards that would impose substantial additional costs compared to current expenditures. Michigan Department of Corrections, a Federal appeals court approves barring male staff from supervising women prisoners to protect privacy and prevent custodial sexual abuse. Department of Justice publishes Special Report: Deterring Staff Sexual Abuse of Federal Inmates. On March 31, the Commission holds its first public meeting at the University of Notre Dame Law School in Indiana to discuss the issue of prison sexual violence. The Bureau of Justice Statistics publishes Sexual Violence Reported by Correctional Authorities, 2004, the first national look at reported incidents of sexual violence in custody. On August 19, the Commission holds a hearing in San Francisco on vulnerable populations at risk of sexual abuse. On March 23, the Commission holds a hearing in Miami exploring how corrections professionals view prison rape. On June 1, the Commission holds a hearing in Boston on juveniles at risk of sexual abuse. A scandal at the Tallahassee Federal Correctional Institution involving officers allegedly smuggling contraband to prisoners in exchange for money and sex gains national attention when a corrections officer shoots and kills a U. On August 3, the Commission holds a hearing in Detroit on reporting, investigating, and prosecuting prison rape. Beginning in November 2007 and continuing throughout 2008, the Commission holds roundtable discussions with corrections professionals and a wide range of other interested groups. Many of the requirements set forth in the standards reflect basic obligations already mandated by existing laws on the health and safety of confined persons, and many correctional systems and facilities currently meet those mandates. And those costs are not substantial when compared to the significance of lives damaged or destroyed by sexual abuse and the broader costs of undermining the purposes of corrections in America. What follows is a discussion of the facts that led us to reach that conclusion and to formulate specific standards to ameliorate that aspect of the problem. The nine chapters are grouped into three parts, beginning with a look at the prevalence and nature of sexual abuse and broad strategies to prevent abuse, ranging from leadership, to screening, to oversight. The final part of the report encompasses chapters exploring the problem of sexual abuse among three special populations: juveniles, people under supervision in the community, and immigration detainees. The Commission worked assiduously to ensure the accuracy and credibility of all sources of information. We have attempted to communicate complex concepts through a combination of personal accounts and reflections, many of them conveyed in sworn testimony to the Commission; historic and contemporary research; data; and information about current policies and practices provided by corrections administrators and staff. In the case of accounts of sexual abuse and other comments by survivors, the Commission held itself to a significantly high standard, typically requiring that information be drawn only from court cases, most of them resolved, or through sworn testimony to the Commission. Studies from groups with an interest in Epo- and/or renin-expressing cells Figure 4 10 medications 0.5 mg avodart free shipping. The schematic illustrates quantitative and qualitative changes that define the switch from physiologic (left) to fibrotic (pathophysiologic) interstitium (right) symptoms lymphoma avodart 0.5mg discount. The interstitium not only increases in volume due to accumulation of fibrotic extracellular matrix medications xyzal buy 0.5mg avodart amex, but fibroblasts capable of producing collagen accumulate whereas Epo-producing fibroblasts are diminished symptoms pink eye cheap 0.5mg avodart with mastercard. Thus, understanding of fibroblast origins and phenotypic plasticity is as relevant as ever. Future work will reveal whether reprogramming of fibroblasts may not only circumvent progressive deterioration of excretory kidney function but also limit relative Epo deficiency and renin overproduction in the future. Kaissling B, Le Hir M: the renal cortical interstitium: Morphological and functional aspects. Kriz W, Napiwotzky P: Structural and functional aspects of the renal interstitium. Takahashi-Iwanaga H: the three-dimensional cytoarchitecture of the interstitial tissue in the rat kidney. Gardner H, Kreidberg J, Koteliansky V, Jaenisch R: Deletion of integrin alpha 1 by homologous recombination permits normal murine development but gives rise to a specific deficit in cell adhesion. Marxer-Meier A, Hegyi I, Loffing J, Kaissling B: Postnatal maturation of renal cortical peritubular fibroblasts in the rat. Pan X, Suzuki N, Hirano I, Yamazaki S, Minegishi N, Yamamoto M: Isolation and characterization of renal erythropoietinproducing cells from genetically produced anemia mice. Pagel H, Jelkmann W, Weiss C: O2-supply to the kidneys and the production of erythropoietin. Souma T, Yamazaki S, Moriguchi T, Suzuki N, Hirano I, Pan X, Minegishi N, Abe M, Kiyomoto H, Ito S, Yamamoto M: Plasticity of renal erythropoietin-producing cells governs fibrosis. Artunc F, Risler T: Serum erythropoietin concentrations and responses to anaemia in patients with or without chronic kidney disease. Thomas M, Tsalamandris C, MacIsaac R, Jerums G: Anaemia in diabetes: An emerging complication of microvascular disease. Inomata S, Itoh M, Imai H, Sato T: Serum levels of erythropoietin as a novel marker reflecting the severity of diabetic nephropathy. Kuriyama S, Tomonari H, Tokudome G, Horiguchi M, Hayashi H, Kobayashi H, Ishikawa M, Hosoya T: Antiproteinuric effects of combined antihypertensive therapies in patients with overt type 2 diabetic nephropathy. Rosario R, Epstein M: Relationship between erythropoietin administration and alterations of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone. One fundamental insight in the emerging study of illicit networks is the notion that underworld enterprises are mobile medications that cause dry mouth avodart 0.5 mg cheap, even migratory; as nimble red carpet treatment generic avodart 0.5 mg without prescription, dispersed symptoms als discount avodart 0.5 mg online, adaptive networks medications you can crush cheap avodart 0.5 mg fast delivery, they can tailor their logistical footprints to the supply of raw goods and labor, the demands of a global market, the shifting regulatory atmosphere in any given region, and pressures both from competition and from law enforcement. Perhaps the most famous exemplar of this new brand of globetrotting criminality, the arms broker Viktor Bout, initially based his operations in Belgium. When authorities there began scrutinizing his munitions flights into war-torn African countries, Bout simply relocated to the United Arab Emirates, then to South Africa, and eventually to Moscow. In my own study of the "snakeheads" of southeast China, who in recent decades have smuggled hundreds of thousands of undocumented migrants to destinations around the planet, I discovered a pronounced tendency on the part of these immigration brokers to identify and exploit certain locations such as Bangkok and Guatemala. Kahn, some black market entrepreneurs have demonstrated an extraordinarily sophisticated ability to engage in what Williams calls "jurisdictional arbitrage. Observers have referred to these locations, variously as "geopolitical black holes,"12 "twilight zones,"13 and "pseudo-states. The Role of Hubs in a Networked World It took a while for observers to grasp the revolution that has transformed global crime over the last few decades, but the study of globalized crime and illicit networks has gradually come into focus. Whereas traditional mafias, like nation-states, were entrenched and hierarchical, networks often had a flatter, more fluid, and adaptive leadership structure. This quality made them especially robust and difficult to attack because the removal of any one node in a criminal or terrorist network might have only a limited impact. Imagine the difference between a map of the highways in the United States and a map of the air traffic routes. On the road map, cities are the nodes and the highways connecting them are the links. Each major city has at least one link to the highway system, but there are no cities served by hundreds of highways. So on a map of air traffic, a few specific nodes, such as Houston, Denver, or New York, will stand out with an exponentially larger number of links as they connect the vast majority of the airports around the country. In some instances, this may simply be a matter of cultivating a few contacts on the ground in the jurisdiction in question who can make the relevant payments to ensure that a shipment of contraband passes through unmolested. But in other cases, criminal actors will come to base a large part of their business in these hubs, staging their shipments there, sourcing otherwise hard-to-come-by documentation, or laundering their money. All it takes is one lax jurisdiction to create a wormhole that undermines the legitimate international system in its entirety. If, for instance, word gets out that Guatemala is a back door into the United States-and we live in a world in which there are few barriers preventing the enterprising and mobile criminal or terrorist from simply making his way to Guatemala-then the laudable work of the U. Coast Guard off the Florida Keys and the Canadian Mounties at Boundary Bay is sadly beside the point. So the critical question, both in terms of understanding the present landscape of vulnerabilities and of developing some rudimentary method for predicting those vulnerabilities that might emerge tomorrow, is "Why Guatemala Given some of the organizational similarities shared by terrorist and criminal networks, along with the fact that many terrorist groups use crime to finance their activities, there is an understandable tendency to discuss the two in the same breath. It is also unquestionably the case that jurisdictions such as Dubai have served as an instrumental facilitation point for criminals and terrorists alike. But really, there is little reason to believe that in seeking a base of operations or a key logistical hub, terrorists and smugglers would be looking for the same thing. Even in the particular case of terrorism, this has not always proven to be the case, but when it comes to crime, the assertion is often flat-out wrong. Whereas a terrorist group in Afghanistan or Somalia might benefit from the lawlessness and anonymity afforded by state failure, transnational criminal organizations rely for their very existence on some baseline level of infrastructure and services. In fact, many of the dominant hubs in the illicit global economy can be found in the major cities of relatively coherent states. As Stewart Patrick suggests in his book Weak Links-which is the most sus- 100 the Geography of Badness tained examination to date of the geography of illicit transnational activity-"the relationship between state fragility and cross-border criminality is variable and complicated. Winer memorably characterized Ukraine as "the epicenter of global badness," and the country remains a major venue for numerous forms of illicit activity. In seeking to identify other critical locales in the illicit global economy, it should be possible to make some general observations about the characteristic features of a criminal hub. Hallmarks of a Criminal Hub In 2003, the Library of Congress published a study called Nations Hospitable to Organized Crime and Terrorism. Bruce Wilcox is a leader in exploring human-ecosystem interactions as it relates to human health and environmental change symptoms parkinsons disease buy avodart 0.5mg with visa. He provided context for coral disease and as an emerging issue with ocean health in his presentation: Evolutionary Ecology symptoms in children cheap avodart 0.5 mg amex, and Disease Emergence: the Big Picture treatment lyme disease order avodart 0.5 mg otc. Ms Melissa Bos shared with the group medications hard on liver order 0.5 mg avodart fast delivery, advances in marine science technologies in her presentation: Technologies for Disease Monitoring and Assessment and asked the group for specific needs that with improved technology the field of coral disease research would be enhanced. Eric Mathur presented a stimulating talk titled: Technologies for Diagnostics: Leveraging Post Genomic Tools and Systems Biology to Accelerate the Understanding of Coral Disease and Effectively Monitor Tropical Reef Ecosystems, in which he showed the power and possibilities provided with post-genomic information and new platforms for that information that could directly impact coral health and disease research. We would like to thank all of the participants that served in working groups whose experience and knowledge laid the foundation for this document. We are especially 267 grateful to the Working Group Chairs and their Rapporteurs that not only presided over the deliberations during the workshop but also provided draft reports for each group that were used for preparing this document. The working group Preventing and Responding to Coral Disease in the Pacific: Management Perspectives was chaired by Ms. A special thanks go to members of the Woodley Lab that assisted in preparing the Workshop Briefing Book, in particular, Sara Polson for artwork and Julie Higgins and Amanda McLenon for copying and organizing the materials into the briefing book. Many thanks go to the Alliance for Coastal Technologies and the Khaled bin SultanLiving Oceans Foundation for hosting a reception for the meeting at the Waikiki Aquarium. We would also like to acknowledge our meeting organizer, MorEvents and give a special thanks to our onsite meeting liaison, Ms. Kay Luzaich who worked tirelessly to resolve problems from transportation to desserts so the organizer could focus on the science. A computerized tank system for studying the effect of temperature on calcification of reef organisms. Spatial and temporal patterns of Porites trematodiasis on the reefs of Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, Hawaii. Fluorescence in situ hybridization and spectral imaging of coral-associated bacterial communities. Dark calcification and the daily rhythm of calcification in the scleractinian coral, Galaxea fascicularis. Effects of changing seawater temperature on photosynthesis and calcification in the scleractinian coral Galaxea fascicularis, measured with O2, Ca2+ and pH microsensors. Coral calcification: Use of radioactive isotopes and metabolic inhibitors to study the interactions with photosynthesis and respiration. Spatial distribution of calcification and photosynthesis in the scleractinian coral Galaxea fascicularis. Genetic differentiation, reproductive mode, and gene flow in the brooding coral Pocillopora damicornis along the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Morphological differences among three species of newly settled pocilloporid coral recruits. Mortality, growth and reproduction in scleractinian corals following bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef. Induction of metamorphosis in larvae of the brooding corals Acropora palifera and Stylophora pistillata. Temperature-Regulated Bleaching and Lysis of the Coral Pocillopora damicornis by the Novel Pathogen Vibrio coralliilyticus. Comparison of stress susceptibility of in hospite and isolated zooxanthellae among five coral species. Photoinhibition, bleaching susceptibility and mortality in two scleractinian corals, Platygyra ryukyuensis and Stylophora pistillata, in response to thermal and light stresses. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 137: 547-555. Release of zooxanthellae with intact photosynthetic activity by the coral Galaxea fascicularis in response to high temperature stress. Scientific and legal conundrums in establishing injury and damages: the natural resource damage assessment regulations, p. Identification of a ciliate (Oligohymenophora: Scuticociliatia) associated with Brown Band disease (BrB) on corals of the Great Barrier Reef. Identification of a small heat shock/alpha-crystallin protein in the scleractinian coral Madracis mirabilis (Duch. The nature and construction of skeletal spines in Pocillopora damicornis (Linnaeus). |